Chapter 26: The Future

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      (Time Skip) 12 years later
                   Jayden's POV

It's been 12 years and a lot has changed. One is that we all moved to L.A for our careers. Nick and Justin got married and adopted a girl who they named Harper.

Mehgan got engaged to a guy named Dean who she met in our junior year of high school. Erika was actually the first one to get married and she married a guy named Marshawn who she also met in junior year of high school. My sister Aniyah married her long time girlfriend Tiana.

My relationship with both my parents are amazing and I talk to both of them regularly. I was completely shocked when I found out they got back together. It's kinda rare in the black community for a kid's parents to be together so for me to be an adult and my parents remarried I was excited.

Speaking of getting married, today is my wedding day and I can't believe it's here. I remember the day I proposed to Alex. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to take a walk. We held hands and talked about everything we could think of. Alex didn't know where we were going but I assured him that we were going to a very special place. All Alex could do was wait. He wasn't really a big fan of it, but continued to walk with him. He quickly noticed the place when we arrived. It was the park. "Oh my god!" Alex said. "We haven't been here in forever!"

I smiled at him as my boyfriend sat down on the hill. "Yeah. It's a really special place for a really special day." "why is today so special?" Alex asked. I got down on one knee and Alex gasped putting his hands over his mouth. "Alex Hunter, you have always made me happy. Ever since the first time that we squashed our beef, I knew you were going to be special to me." I pulled out a little red box out of my pocket and opened it up for him to see it. "Alex Hunter, will you make me the happiest man in the whole universe and marry me?" "Yes! Yes! A billion times yes!" said Alex. We kissed each other. Alex put on the engagement ring. We swung a little and then we decided to go to Starbucks and get our coffee then to Dunkin where we got our donuts.

3rd Person POV

Today was a new day. Today was the day that Alex would get married to the man he loved the most. He was getting really nervous. It was a big step forward in his life. A really big one. It was nerve racking. "Alex, you'll be fine!" Erika said. "Yeah. I mean you're getting married to Jayden. Your boyfriend of 12 years! Took him long enough! Mehgan said as Alex smiled "Thank you guys. You are honestly the best friends anyone could ever ask for." They hugged for a while and stepped away.

The opening music to the ceremony began and Erika and Mehgan attached their arms to Alex's. Jayden turned and was tear eyed just like Alex. They walked him to Jayden and they let go of his arms. They smiled at each other and, then everybody sat down.

"We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Alex Hunter and Jayden Jackson in marriage. In the years they have been together, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as husband and husband." said the priest. "Now for the vows." Alex took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and read it.

"It's hard to imagine what my life would be like without you. You've always been there for me. Since the day we put our differences aside and became friends, you had faith in me. You taught me to have confidence in myself. You made my life better and you didn't give up on me. Even when we had our ups and downs, you didn't stop loving me, just like I will never stop loving you." Jayden smiled.

The priest turned to him saying that it was his turn to say his vows. "I don't know where I would be if it weren't for you. When you started hanging out with me,I felt like the luckiest person ever. I felt like I could talk to you for hours and never get tired of you. And I still feel that way. I was the mean unstable guy when you met me and then I became the not so mean guy. I didn't really believe in myself and thought I broken because of my childhood trauma. But all that changed when I got to know you. You taught me to to believe in myself. You taught me what love was and I will always love you like you love me."

"Now for the rings?" The priest said. Erika handed them the rings. Jayden slipped one on Alex's finger and Alex did the same with Jayden. "Do you Alex Hunter, take Jayden Jackson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" "I do" Alex said, with the biggest smile. "And do you Jayden Jackson take Alex Hunter to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for-" "I do" Jayden interrupted. The priest smiled. "I may now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom." They leaned in to share a passionate kiss. The guests stood up and applauded. "I love you" Jayden said as he put his forehead on Alex's. "I love you more." Alex said. Jayden shook his head. "I don't think that's possible." "Well I do." Alex kept in. Jayden laughed and pulled him in for another kiss.

Jayden chose the music. For the slow dance, he decided "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran.

It's been almost 12 years, since they heard this song. After a study date they had at Jayden's house, it became their special song. Now hearing it for the first time in a very long time, made Alex's eyes water. "Would you care to dance, my love?" Jayden asked, holding his hand out so Alex could take it. He smiled and said "How could I not?"

They made their way to the dance floor. "How did you remember our song?" asked Alex. "It was a really special night to me and it seems to me that it was a special night for you too." Alex nodded and said, "It was" "And besides, how could I forget that night? It was one of the best dates of my life." Jayden continued. "It was, wasn't it" Alex said, remembering that night. "Yeah." They stayed silent for a bit when Jayden spoke up. "I can't believe you're my husband now!" "Well you better believe it." Alex said pulling him in for a kiss.

"Always and forever?" Alex asked. "Always and forever" I said.

Guys this is final chapter of Love or Hate! I can't believe it's over but I knew it had to happen. I love each and every single one of my readers and thank you for liking my book.❤️❤️❤️

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