My Grandpoppy's Stroke 🥺

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*warning: not a safe place for aven*


Grandpoppy Styles. An old, wise, lovable 69 year old British chum. 🥺 who had a stroke.

Aven Brooks. Green sneaker wearing, emotionally traumatised, tiny photographer gorl. Has asthma.

Most mornings, one wakes up to the day ahead, planning to carry out their usual routine, living another surprise-less day of their blissful life. 

Most mornings, one wakes up contemplating what to wear, or what to have for breakfast, setting aside their worries, even if only temporarily.

Most mornings, one wakes up and does not consider the fact that a green sneaker wearing, mentally unstable, cheeky little photographer gorl, who has asthma, has the potential to ruin their life.

My Grandpoppy woke up that morning with a sparkle in his eye and profound sense of contentment, heading off to his volunteer job at the Manchester Youth Centre for Unruly Minds (MYCUM).

That is where he met Aven Brooks, an absinthe drinking, cigarette smoking, little photographer gorl. Who has asthma.

And that little American scumbag turned his life upside-down.


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