1. Graduation Day.

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    "I can't believe you're already grown up and graduating from high school, it seems as if it was just yesterday I changed your diapers, and now your on your way to college honey, am so proud of you!" My mom whisper yelled.

I could hear a few giggles around and I grit my teeth aggressively trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Mom could you please stop embarrassing me in front of everyone and could also keep your voice down" I whispered to her as we were now gaining the attention of everyone.

"Am sorry honey, it's just that I get emotional whenever you make me proud, it reminds me of when I was graduating from high school" My mom gushed loudly once again.

"I know mom and we'll have plenty of time to celebrate but for now could you at least be a bit quiet" I hushed her for the hundredth time.

We were currently seated in the middle of graduation. Yes my graduation, Steff sat to my left with his family while Kyle, Macro, Maurice sat behind with their parents.

I looked up from where I sat to be met with the eyes of Kristrin as he sat on the podium. Without surprise he was given the title of valedictorian for his outstanding academics, he managed to get a GPA of 4.7 and also managed to help his team win the football game.

You may be wondering how a bad boy managed to uphold his reputation, help his team win the football game and become the valedictorian of Williams field high?

I have absolutely no idea, I just wished I was blessed with gifts like him. He was definitely outstanding in everything he did.

Sadly soon we would separate and go on different paths as I'd be on my way to Harvard university to pursue a PHD in medical science and he would be on his way to the University of Alabama to continue his career in football.

He had scholarships left, right, and center but he was confident in his football career.

I gave him a tight smile as it was his time to make his valedictorian speech.

I turned to look at his parents but couldn't help to recognize the sad look on Kristrin's Mom face and a not-so-happy look on his father's face as well. You'd think they'd be happy. They have a son with brains, skills, and talent.

As Kristrin was finished with his valedictorian speech that had everyone on their feet. I quickly stood up from my feet giving him my full support as well.

We had planned to spend a small amount of time wishing everyone a stroke of good luck then head on to have a family dinner and leave early the next day to our trip to Jamaica which I was excited for. I'd be spending much of my time with Kristrin before we separated soon.

What was funny enough was that all the guys which included Kyle, Maurice, Marco, and Steff were heading off to the same university as I was and at first it was kind of weird to me but after confronting them about it they all had different career roles that they wanted to achieve.

Kyle wanted to pursue a career in politics with Steff having a passion for owning his hotel chain and Maurice and Marco wanted to pursue their education in business to open their own clothing line and becoming rich businessmen while continuing their modeling careers.

They all thought Harvard was the way to go.

After saying goodbye to a few of my friends, I quickly caught up with Steff as he was stuffing his face to the side.

"Are you planning on stuffing your face the entire graduation?" I asked him.

"Anything to pass the time, my main concern for today is getting through the day so that I can explore my vacation" He sang the last part.

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