Chapter 12

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Riddle me this, I gotta figure it out.

Are they laughing at me because I'm prone of fear and doubt?

Am I messed up? Am I loud?

Well, eat my dust. That's all I am; a speck out in the crowd.

I'm tyring to clean up the mess I made.

But the towel I used to soak up my worry, it just went up in flames!

They say I've got a consience of gasoline. I could syphon this shit out, fuck it and leave but, I fuel the fire with everything they said, it's stuck in mind.

You're better off dead. 

If you've got the keys then start the car.

And drive as far as you can. 

If you've got the blood then you've got the heart to give yourself a chance.

Seems like we've been so scarred. Some people call it art.

I hope you make peace with your pain.

And never lose your flames.


(A/N Doesnt that song just make you cry? No? It makes me cry)


The night was great. Cuddling, watching Netflix, we even ate some dark chocolate.

 That's a perfect night if you ask me.

Amanda fell asleep in my arms, and I hugged her tight until my eyelids got heavy. I fell into a deep sleep (I'm a deep sleeper) and drempt about My Little Pony. Yes, I watched My Little Pony last week. Don't judge this Mexican.



I woke up to my arms being empty. I frowned but when I heard a loud bang from the bathroom, I lifted my frown to make a smile as I realized Amanda was in the bathroom, clumsy as ever.

 She walked back into the living room and I quickly shut my eyes.

I heard her footsteps and decided it would be okay for a quick peek. 

I opened my eyes slightly and watched as Amanda pulled on her shoes. After she was finsihed, she set her feet down and sighed at the same time. She looked up at me, but I closed my eyes.

I don't think she noticed.

She sat in silence as I could tell, and started to walk out.

I opened my eyes and saw she was gone, so I got up and started to get ready for my own little picnic.


(skip the picnic scene)


The ride to the movies consisted of holding hands, small talk, and listening to radio. We decided on watching the movie Mama since we wanted a scary movie.

We arrived at the mall which has a decent sized movie theatre and I decided to buy the tickets, much to Vic's annoyance. I let him buy me a drink and Skittles since he felt bad for not paying for the movie.

We walked up to the stand thingy and I gave the man our tickets. We walked to our movie room while holding hands and I basically died from laughter becuase Vic was trying to scare me for what was coming up when we reached the theatre.

We both skipped down the aisles while the early commercials were playing and the usher told us to walk.

We snickered at his obnoxious voice and found our seats.

I had already seen Mama before, and I made sure to let Vic know before we bought our tickets. He hadn't seen it, so I was nice enough to watch it with him without giving spoilers.

(A/N I haven't actually seen Mama yet so sh no spoiling. I know it came out a while ago, but oh well. xD)

During at about the middle of the movie, I got up to go to the restroom. I whispered where I was going into Vic's ear and he nodded, eyes glued to the screen.

I exited the theatre and walked to the restroom. I coughed at the disgusting smell of popcorn and started to speed walk.

 I swung open the big door labled Women and walked inside.

I looked in the mirror and fixed up the sticking out pieces of my hair and washed my hands.

I decided I didn't have to go to the toilet, and walked out. I trudged  down the hall and was about to turn the corner when I was swept off my feet and carried outside to the parking lot.

I looked at my attacker's face and saw Vic. 

"Vic! What are you doing?"

"Can't you see I just picked you up?" Vic scoffed in my face.

"What about the movie?"

"What about it?"

"Don't you want to watch it?"

“Its not even scary! Plus I wouldn't want to watch a scary if I was able to spend time with you."

Vic rubbed his nose against mine and I giggled as we walked out the big double doors.

We headed back to the apartment and I ordered pizza on the way.

I texted Caleb after I had placed the order of two large cheese pizzas. (Because who likes meat anyways?)

Amanda Bear: Where chu be at?

Caleb The Great: Home. Can you pick something up to eat on the way here?

Amanda Bear: I already ordered a pizza and I'm on my way. I'll be there in time to pay.

Caleb The Great: K thanks.

I shut off my phone so I wouldn't be distracted and watched the handsome Mexican beside me drive.


I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a reallllllly long time. I haven't had my phone in a while and my computer decided not to work properly but I'm back now!

Don't die please c:

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