Three Words (WinterWitch)

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Summary: Bucky and Wanda have been together for awhile now and he wants to tell Wanda the three special words.


Bucky was sitting on a couch in the living room of the compound.
He anxiously fixed his shirt and his hair while he waited for Wanda to arrive.
Today was going to be special.
Of course the two of them were often out on date nights but today was the day, he would finally confess his feelings to her.

He fixed his black shirt and his longish hair one more time when Wanda walked into the room.
And she looked amazing.

“Doll, you look so beautiful” Bucky said and earned a smile of the woman on the opposite of him.
“You don't look so bad yourself James” she said with her Sokovian Accent which Bucky learned to love.

The Sokovian stood in the doorway.
Her brown long hair was naturally waved, and a part was put in a little bun ,as for the rest, it was hanging of her back.
The Witch used a strand to play with it while nervously letting James check her out.
Her tight black jeans showed her long legs,the black boots fitted perfectly and the red blouse finished the look.
“Breathtaking my dear” buck said once more before finally going to Wanda just to stop in front of her.

“Lets go, Shall we?”Bucky said holding his hand firmly in front of her, and Wanda intertwined her fingers with his.
They both made their way out of the compound to a nearby park.
But that wasn't the final location.
They both made their way through the park, with a few stops for as Wanda wanted to admire all the different kinds of Flowers.

Once they were out of the park, and climbed along a hiking path,much to dismay of Wanda who just "hadnt chose the right shoes" they halted in front of a beautiful lake with a waterfall.
“James, this is so fascinating ” Wanda said before kissing Bucky's Cheek.

They sat themselves down on a picnic blanket, Wanda in front of Bucky so she could see the view, and Bucky behind her with another blanket wrapped around the two of them,to make sure she's safe,warm and protected.
They both cuddled a bit, before Bucky finally had the courage to speak.

“Wanda, I think the perfection of love is that it's not perfect. And with me saying this. We are both far away from being perfect” Wanda now turned to look at him slightly moving from his lap.
“What do you mean?“she asked and in return got a sigh from Bucky.

“We are far away from being perfect Wanda,you and me we before experienced things that will haunt us forever and I didn't thought that this-” he points between Wanda and him
“Could ever work,but ..It does..i- I am
..I've been meaning to say-" he stumbles a bit leaving Wanda for a short time dumbfounded.

“Wanda,You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.I never doubted it for a second. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life. And even tho this Life isn't perfect, you make it worth it, you make me want to become a better man.
I am who I am because of you. And I will love and cherish you forever because, Doll I know, I can't live another day without you.
I just want you to know that you're very special... and the only reason I'm telling you is that I don't know if anyone else ever has.
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
I love you Wanda Maximoff”

Bucky finally finished his speech looking at Wanda who was gaping at first but then slowly put her arms around James to hug him.
“Did..I...Was it wrong for me to say this?”Bucky was now the one being left dumbfounded, because he clearly had expected any reaction but this.

“Oh no, James, no" Wanda sniffled a little. “Oh god... James I wanted it to tell you this so long but I love you too.Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side. And I know that our past was terrible, but the Past is the Past”
She slowly stroke his cheek with her fingers while sitting on his lap again.

“And yes we both made mistakes, terrible mistakes. But for now nothing will tear us apart and I know that I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She now took his metal hand in hers and they intertwined their fingers.
“I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.” Wanda said while placing a kiss on Bucky's human hand, fingers somehow also intertwined with Wanda's .

"I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day or sleep well what I am really saying is I love you. I love you so damn much that it is starting to steal other words' meanings.
I love you with all of my heart, James Barnes.”

Wanda looked at him and saw a tear escape his eyes, she divided their intertwined fingers so she could catch it.
“please don't cry J-" she said but was
interrupted by lips sofly pressing against her.
It was a passionate kiss.
Not any less or more passionate than the other she shared with him but she knew that this one meant a lot to him. To the both of them.
James caressed her head in his hands while resting his forehead against her,after they'd broke apart from that kiss.

They laid down, watching the night sky, cuddled and wrapped in a blanket. Bucky saw a shooting star.
Wanda saw it to and immediately
turned to him.
“Go wish something for  yourself" she said and looked at him.
”I don't need to wish me something, I have everything I ever wanted right here" Bucky said, looking down at her and placing a kiss on Wanda's forehead.

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