Part 1

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Kayla POV
"Mikaela, Harriet and Ross Byrne get down here now or you can all walk to school!!!" Dad shouted upstairs from the front door. I sigh and follow my siblings downstairs after making my skirt as short as I can and undoing my top button. Dad sighed as I walked past him obviously frustrated at the way I've altered my uniform. I sit in the front seat whist Ross and Harri sit in the back. "Kayla will you please fix your uniform?" He asks as we approach the school gates. I huff and cross my arms, looking out the window. I've been angry since him and mum got divorced and we moved here. "Kay are you really gonna keep doing this cause it's pathetic, mum and dad are divorced Harri and I have accepted it and so should you." Ross says. "Fine but I wanna see Sian when we get in, seeing as she respects me!" I huff grabbing my bag and getting out the car.

I see Sian on the steps watching everyone. "Hi Sian!" I say as I walk towards her. "Kayla, Harri, Ross!" She exclaims hugging us all. We talk for a few minutes before dad comes over and tells us to go and make friends. I roll my eyes at him before going over to a group of people who look about my age. "Hi I'm Kayla I've just started today." I tell one of the girls in the group. "Oh hey I'm Lauren and this is Josh, Finn, Scout, Rhiannon, Denzil and Phoenix." She says pointing to each person as she introduces them. They all wave and say hi before going back to the conversation they were having. I see a boy with dark brown hair with his ear pierced looking at me. "Hey Lauren who's that boy?" I ask nudging Lauren slightly. She turns round trying to see who I'm pointing at. "That's Kyle Stack, he's bad news." She explains and I nod. "Hey Kayla what's your last name?" She asks and the whole group go silent. I sigh before replying. "Byrne." I said. They all looked gobsmacked. "Byrne as in the heads daughter?" Josh questions. I nod before I feel someone jump on my back and another person stand beside me. "Hey sis aren't you going to introduce us?" Ross asks as Harri jumps off of my back. "Guys this is my brother Ross and my sister Harri we're siblings if you didn't guess." I explain. They all look shocked as me and Ross are fighting over who is loved more.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now