Part 10

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I gulp before turning round to see my dad in front of me waiting for an explanation.

Come to my dad's office it's now or never if we're going to tell him  xxx

I text Kyle and look across the playground  to see him walking over to us. We follow my dad inside slowly, holding each other's hands for support. When we get to the office we all sit on the sofa with my dad sitting across from us. "So what's going on?" Dad asks eagerly. "Dad I just want to say that I'm so sorry and I know I was stupid but I'm... I'm pregnant!" I exclaim now crying. Kyle's holding my hand and mg dad's just sitting there gob smacked. "How far along?" He asks his voice scratchy. "A couple of weeks at least." I reply. He stands up and walks over to me. "Come here." He says softly as I get up and we share a father daughter hug. "I'm glad you told me and I'll support you through everything." He says. "Thank you daddy." I whisper. After we've had our moment dad threatens Kyle that if he leaves me during the pregnancy or at the birth he will die. I smile and we leave.

When we're walking to the common room I look out of the window and see people in the playground near the door and then people in black hoodies walking in the gates. I nudge Kyle and he looks out the window before his eyes go wide. "Oh god." He says before running off. I follow him outside and we push past people until we're at the front of the group. I entwine our fingers together before he turns round looking at me. "Babe please stay with Lauren and be safe." He pleads kissing my forehead and nodding at Tariq as they step forward. "Eugene what ya doi'n here?" Kyle asks Eugene. "I want the DSC to stay aff ma turf you get me!" He yells. "Yo man is that it?" Tariq asks him. "Nah I want more than that, I want Stack's girl you know we could have some fun!" He exclaims smirking at me. "Yeah right, like that's gonna happen besides she's Byrne's daughter and she's mine!" Kyle snaps. Before I can do anything one of the gang members comes behind me and grips onto my arms, taking me over to Eugene. I look at Kyke with fear in my eyes as Eugene places a hand on my face. Kyle's about yo run up to him before Eugene pulls out a knife. "Uh uh uh, you move and she gets it!" He yells with the knife at my neck. "Oi let her go and get off this property!!!" I hear my dad scream walking to the front of the crowd. "Uh oh it's Byrne, let's get out of here." One of the guys says before they throw me on the ground and run. I land on my side as my dad and Kyle sprint over to me. "Kayla are you okay?" My dad asks and I nod my head slightly and they help me up and lead me to my dad's office where I lie on the couch for the remainder of the morning and end up falling asleep.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now