Part 7

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I walk in and see Kyle on the sofa with all our friends. "Hey." I say before sitting beside him. "What happened?" Kyle asked. "She told him." Was all I said. He nodded and we all just talked about random things until the bell went. "Home finally!!!" Josh yells. We all laugh as they go home and I go to my dad's office. After a few minutes my phone vibrates.
Wanna come to mine my mam's at work until late

-Kyle xxx

I knock on the door and hear my dad say come in. "What can I do for you love?" He asks. "Dad can I please go to Kyle's house?" I ask him. "Yeah sure just be back by 10pm." He says. I thank him before leaving.

He said yeah so I'll be there soon

-Kayla xxx

I text Kyle before putting my phone in my jacket pocket. I walk outside and see Kyle standing there. I laugh and he turns round smirking. "What would you have done if my dad said no?" I ask him as I walk towards him. "I would've stayed out here until you came out then carried you away." He says whilst wrapping his arms round my waist. I place my arms round his neck and we kiss passionately. "Then he would hate you forever." I giggle. "Oh well." He says. We go back to Kyle's flat and watch a film as we kiss for hours. By 8:45 we're both in his bed watching The Last Song. It's 9:30 and Kyle decides to take me home so he can stay in my dad's good books. We ring the doorbell and my dad answers it looking tired. "Hey sir she's back safe and sound." Kyle said as I went inside but still stood at the door. "Look Kyle since your dating my daughter you can call me Michael outside school." Dad informs him. Kyle nods and kisses me goodbye before leaving.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now