Part 9

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When we get home I go to my room and stand at my wardrobe. I lifted my shirt up and looked in the mirror. I can't believe that there is a baby growing inside of me and that in a matter of weeks I'll have a small baby bump. Harri comes into my room later on for company and I decide that I can't keep it a secret any longer, I need to tell her about the baby. "Harri I have a big secret that you can't tell anyone okay, especially not Dad or Ross." I tell her. She nods wearily. "I'm pregnant!!!" I squeal.  Harri looks completely gob-smacked. "Wow that's big news sis congrats, but I'd wait a few weeks before you tell dad." She says. I nod and we have a sisterly hug. For the rest of the night we sit in my room and watch films on Netflix.

When I wake up the next day I'm puking my guts out as soon as I even get a chance to register what's going on. My dad rushes in asking if in okay and I tell him that I'm okay. He looks at me strangely but drops the subject. We all have toast and Nutella  before jumping in the car. I end up in the back seat because I was too busy texting my friends rather than fighting with Ross. When I walk over to Kyle he's talking to Tariq about something to do with his gang the DSC and Eugene who I know is in another gang and he hates Kyle's guts. "He's getting his revenge at some fun run in a few weeks apparently." Kyle says sighing. I tune out after a while and go over to Lauren and Scout. "Congrats babe Lauren told me and I'll keep yir secret but just saying I hink yi should tell" Scout says going quiet at the end. "Tell dad what?" I hear my dad say from behind.

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