Part 5

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It's 6:30 and we've been in the same room all day with no one but ourselves for company. I'm nearly asleep when the door opens and someone walks on. "So do you guys want pizza tonight or Chinese you choose." I hear a familiar voice say. When I look up I'm shocked. "Dad!!!" I scream running at him. We hug and the others join in. "Let's go home." He says as we leave. The next day Kyle comes to my house so that we can walk to school together. "You okay?" He asks. "Yeah I'm fine, just worried about dad that's all." I reply. "Why what's wrong with him?" He questions. "He was really upset after what happened yesterday." I sigh. He nods and we continue walking. When we get in the gates Lauren and Scout rush over to me. "Oh my god Kayla are you okay?!?!" Lauren exclaims. "Yeah I'm fine." I reply. I see my dad pull up and come over to me. "What's this?" He asks and pulls out a positive pregnancy test but only so I can see it.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now