Part 6

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"I dunno but I swear that it's not mine dad." I tell him. He looks at me not fully convinced but he walks off and I'm still holding the  test in my hands. I scan the playground for Harri and find her by the gates with Denzil. I run over to her. "Harri can I talk to you?" I ask. She nods and follows me away from Denzil. I pull out the the test and shove it in her hands. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask her. "It doesn't matter it'll be gone soon." She replies. "What do you mean Harri?" I question."I'm booked for a termination in a few weeks" She sighed. "Okay I'm going with you." I tell her. She nods and I hug her before going back to Lauren.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" Kyle asks me. "My sister's pregnant," I whisper to him seeing as my dad is taking the class. "Seriously?" He asks. "Yeah she's getting an abortion in a few weeks." I tell him. He nods and squeezes my hand. My dad keeps Ross and I behind before going to get Harri. "Now this is mainly to the girls but Ross you might know something." Dad starts. "This morning I was in the bathroom looking for my other mouthwash in the cabinet when I came across a positive pregnancy test. Now I want to know who it belonged to." He says. I look at Harri and she looks back. "It was mine." Harri whispered. Dad froze for a moment before clearing his throat. "Do you want to keep it?" He asks her. She shakes her head."I'm booked in for a termination in a few weeks." She says. He nods and lets us all go. I hug Harri before going to the common room for my free period.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now