Part 2

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"Hey you two break it up or lose your phones for 3 days and all of you come to my office." He instructs us. "But dad!!!" We whine and then he gives us the 'don't you dare argue with me' look and I huff. "I'll see you guys in registration then." I say before following dad and waving bye to my friends. We walk to dad's office in silence and sit down. "Now you three, you can come and talk to me at anytime and you aren't all in the same classes. Kayla I need to talk to you alone so Ross and Harri you can go to resignation." He says and my siblings leave us alone.

"Now Kayla I want you to stay away from Kyle Stack, he's trouble and please make it work here." He pleads. "What about mum?" I ask. "I'll come get you of I hear anything now off you go." He says and I leave going to Mr Clarkson for registration. "Why thank you for joining us Miss Byrne." Mr Clarkson says. "Sorry sir I was talking to my dad." I tell him as I look for a seat. The only one is next to Kyle who I find really hot. I sit next to him and look down. Tom is telling us about something but I'm not really paying attention. "Hey I'm Kyle." He says looking at me. "Kayla." I reply looking at him smiling as he smiles back. "Wanna hang out at break, just the two of us?" He asks. "Yeah sure." I reply ignoring everything dad told me. The rest of the morning is boring apart from me getting all my friends numbers, including Kyle's. The bell rings and we all leave.

Kyle and I go outside and round to the side of the school out of everyone's way. We just talk until he does the unexpected and.... Kisses me! I am shocked at first but I then kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck and his snake round my waist. I'm pretty sure the bell has gone but we're too busy kissing to care. "Oi why aren't you two in class!!!" I hear my dad yell. We pull apart and look at him. Dad looks furious when he sees that it's me AND Kyle kissing. "My office NOW!" He growls. I gulp but follow him inside with Kyle holding my hand. "Does this mean we're dating?" He whispers in my ear. I giggle slightly and nod. When we get to the office we sit down and my dad sits in his chair across from us. "WHAT ARE YOU TWO PLAYING AT?" He screams at us. "I ain't got a clue what you're banging on about sir." Kyle says. Dad glares at him before looking at me. "Seriously Kayla I told you at least 2 hours ago to stay away from this boy!" He shouts at me. "I'm sorry dad it just happened." I said. He sighed and let us go.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now