Part 11

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I wake up to someone lightly shaking my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes and see my dad and Kyle standing around me. I bolt up but fall back down due to a searing pain in my back as I groan in pain. They both look at me alarmed. "Kayla what's wrong?" Dad asks. "Nothing I'm fine." I reply getting up off the couch. None of them look convinced but they let it go. "Come on we've got lunch and then the fun run." Kyle says as we leave the office. When we walk into the canteen I get chips, a carton of Apple juice and a pear before going to sit with Lauren, Scout, Phoenix, Finn, Josh, Harri, Ross and Kyle. I get cramps and pains in my stomach as I rub it gently. I try not to let it show but at one point I accidentally gasp and everyone looks at me. "That's it your going to your Dad cause you're not fine!" Kyle snaps throwing a chip on his plate. "No it's fine I'm just getting cramps, it's normal at this stage." I tell him and he nods slightly. "Guys we have something to tell you... I'm pregnant." I exclaim and everyone who didn't know looks gob smacked."seriously first Harri and now you. You know mum would be ashamed of you both. She would of disowned you by now and just wait until dad discovers your dirty little secret because then he'll disown you for sure!" He hisses as he walks away.

Waterloo Road (Dad, siblings and Kyle Stack)Where stories live. Discover now