Part 8

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4 weeks later...

I got up early this morning cause of Harri's appointment. We leave at 7:30 because her appointment is at 8:15 and it takes half an hour to get there. I told dad that we might be late for school. By 8:45 she's done and ready to leave. I text dad to let him know.

She's out and we're just on the bus so we'll see you about 9:15 if we're lucky


When we arrive at school we go straight to dad's office. As soon as he sees Harri he pulls her into his embrace and tells me to go to class. I walk into English and sit next to Kyle. "Ah nice of you to join us Kayla." Tom says. "Sorry sir I was with my dad." I explain. He nods and tells me to do pages 33-36 in my book. I'm halfway through page 36 when I feel sick all of a sudden. My hand had shot up before I even thought about it. "Yes Kayla?" Tom asks. "Sir can I go to the loo, I feel well sick." I ask. He nods and I bolt out the door and dart to the toilet. I'm sick for a good 5 minutes. Once I'm done I decide to take out the pregnancy test that I'd bought a few days ago. I pee on the stick and wait 5 minutes before turning it over, my hands trembling. When I see the 2 lines I gasp and drop it, beginning to cry. I sit there for what seems like hours until I hear a knock. "Kayla it's Lauren, are you okay?" I hear Lauren ask softly. "Are you alone?" I ask. "Yeah it's just me." She replies. I unlock the door and run into her arms still crying. "Babe what's wrong?" She asks me. "I...I'm pregnant Lauren!" I cry out showing her the test. She gasps before bringing me into another hug. "It's gonna be okay, does Kyle know yet?" She questions. I shake my head going over to splash water on my face and redo my make-up. We leave together and on the way back to collect my stuff I see my dad walking towards us. "Hey Kayla are you okay, Tom said you left his class 20 minutes ago and didn't go back." Dad says looking worried. "Yeah I'm fine I was just going back to get my stuff." I tell him. He doesn't look very convinced. "I just wasn't feeling great but I'm fine now dad, stop worrying." I say. "Mikaela Ashley Byrne don't you dare think for one moment that you can lie to me." He says. I sigh and just walk past him. When we get to Tom's class he's not there so we just grab my stuff and leave. As soon as we walk into the common room everyone's heads snap up and Kyle rushes over to me. "Babe are you okay I got worrier when you didn't come back to English." He says. I kiss him briefly a before pulling back. "I'm fine but I need to talk to private." I whisper to him. He nods and pulls me into the old art room. "What is it?" He asks. I sigh and pull out the test and hand it to him before looking at the floor. "Your pregnant, like for real this ain't no sick prank?" He asks. I shake my head looking up to see him smiling. He picks me up and spins me around before placing me on the ground and crashing his lips to mine. After a few minutes we went back into the common room. "Wait does your family know?" Kyle asks in a hushed tone. "No only you and Lauren but my family will find out soon, just give me a couple of weeks." I reply. He nods as we go and sit with the others.

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