𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 7

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Bala looked up at the castle as it looked over her. It was exactly like Kulucahisar just with a different name. The gates to Inegol Kalesi opened, and the soldiers at the gates smirked when they saw the distraught woman in the cart. Bala decided to pull herself together, and not to show fear to the men. They were fully inside the castle walls now. She looked back at the closing gates. 

Nikola walked out of the castle. He saw a woman in a cart, surrounded by soldiers, and Flatyos. He guessed the woman was Bala Hatun. 

'Ha, ha, ha, guess we caught the famous Bala Hatun, wife of Osman Bey! Oh people of Inegol, look, we have caught the wife of Osman Bey, the oppressor!'

'WE DONT WANT HIS WIFE, WE WANT THE ACTUAL MAN!!' shouted a woman from the crowd. 

Nikola looked down at her in displeasure. He turned back to Bala, and saw her in full detail. Her star spots, her black eyes, her full brows. Now he could see why Osman had chosen Bala. She was beautiful. Maybe once he killed Osman, he would keep her. 

'Take her inside. I want to talk to her....privately.'

The soldiers heaved Bala out of the cart, and took her inside the castle. She knew there was no use trying to pull away, but she tried anyways. But it was all in vain, the men were too strong. Once they were inside the throne room, they tied her to the chair that was in the middle of what seemed like hell. They didn't need to bother gagging her, as she wouldn't speak anyways, but the gag almost choked her, so they decided to remove it.

Nikola walked into the room unnoticed, Bala still thinking she was alone. 

'Osman, Osman, if I die today, I will die with your name on my lips. I will die with your baby in my stomach. I will die a martyr, saying my shahada.' Bala kept her tears to herself.

'Ha, Ha, Ha' Nikola'a laugh echoed through the room, 'Don't worry, beautiful Hatun. You won't die today. You will see Osman and your baby before you die. Maybe more children. But Bala, I need a bait, and that will be you. My spy in the camp says that EVERYONE knows of your pregnancy. And Osman is raging, he's on fire. When he comes, you'll see him die. You'll be a little depressed sure, but when you give birth, you'll be happy. I'll let you name your son Osman. Your choice really,' Nikola clutched Bala's face, but made a better choice, and let go. 

Bala spat in his face, and turned away. She knew that "the spy" was Targun. So now Nikola now knew that Osman will 100% be coming for Bala. Nikola saw something in Bala's face. It was hatred. Oh, he couldn't wait to see the pain on her face, as he slit Osman's throat in front of her. But he had to wait, for Osman to come save his damsel in distress.

Flatyos entered, gave Bala a little pat on her head, and made for Nikola. There was little talk between them, with several glances over to Bala. Bala scowled right back at them and clutched her stomach each time. Soon, a harsh pain went through her, and she fell into an endless black dream...

'...and this is gonna help us because Osman will f e a r  .......NIKOLA, she's passed out!'

Nikola turned his head, and saw the unconscious woman, with her hand over her stomach. 


After a few minutes, a tall woman walked in and took Bala away. She quickly nodded over to Nikola, then walked out. Nikola wanted the Hatun to be at her best, because if Bala was hurt, then Osman would be more angrier. He went back to Flatyos, and they both planned Osman's death.

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