Chapter 47

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"Dr. Klein?"

"Yes." He replied his eyes fixated on my, frowning face. I looked around frantically as, he held my arms, keeping me steady.

"Why am I here? Who brought me here?" I asked, panicking. Tears brimming, in my eyes. I was not supposed to be here. I didn't wanted to be rescued. I didn't wanted to live.

"Shhh... it's okay." He tried to calm me down, without saying the exact. "The paramedics brought you here, when some people called for them since, you were drowning." He replied, looking softly in my eyes.

"But I wasn't drowning!" I shook my head frantically. "I...I..." I couldn't say it out to him, for some strange reason. " I...I d-didn't wanted to be rescued." I mumbled, averting my eyes away from him. Avoiding to show my tears. I was feeling guilty, for no apparent reason.

I slowly looked up at him, and saw him completely frozen. It looked like, it finally dawned on him, that I wasn't exactly pleased, to be rescued.

He slowly, moved his hands from my shoulders and held both of my hands in his. And sat on the small chair that was beside my bed. He gulped thickly and I could see, something going on in his mind.

"Where's your mother?" He asked, huffing out a breath.

And finally those tears fell from my eyes and soon enough, I turned into a weeping mess. He held my hand all through it, patiently waiting for me to reply.

"She's dead." I whispered as, I sobbed harder.

He looked surprised and held my hands firmer. He knew I trusted him and so he was doing his best to console me. But, I didn't wanted to be consoled. I just wanted to die.

"Can you tell me...what, exactly happened?" He asked hesitantly. Rubbing small circles on the back of my hand.

And that was enough for me, to open up my heart, to spill it in front of him.

I was vulnerable.


"....and I don't have courage left, to live anymore." I sobbed, explaining him all of that happened. "I'm just too tired of all this." I drew in a deep breath. "I just wanna die." I sobbed harder.

He stood up from his chair, and leaned in. Slowly, bringing my head to rest against his, as he caressed my hair, consoling me. And I just cried my heart out to him. Spilling every single memory I had, after I met him for the last time.

He just held me in place, for several minutes, trying to provide me the warmth that lacked.

He finally sat back down on the chair and pressed a button against my bed. After a few minutes later, a nurse came in and started checking me. He talked to her, in some medical language, asking about my recovery. All I understood was that, I was fine and could be discharged by the morning.

When, she finally left, he glanced at me and sighed softly.

"You should sleep now. You're body is exhausted and their's still 7 hours till you're discharge.

And I frowned deeply at his statement. "But I don't want to stay here that long. I want to go away, now." I said almost annoyed.

"And where will you go?" He asked, frowning.

I frowned again.

"I don't wanna go anywhere." I said, "I just wanna die." I said, almost arguing. "You're wasting time, trying to save me." I told him, as a matter of factly.

He sighed deeply and held my hands.

"Vanessa, please don't say something like that." He huffed. "Don't you remember anything, I've told you?" he asked, " You'll have to be strong, Vanessa." He said, pleading.

The look in his eyes, made me feel even more guilty. Cause he was, pleading me not to harm myself, when I'm so persistent on ending it. I gulped thickly, trying very hard, not to cry again. He saw the tears in my eyes brimming and hugged me again.

"Shhh.... it's okay. It'll be okay." He said and pressed the button next to my bed again.

The nurse came in, and he left my side to talk to her for some time. They talked about something and the nurse brought in a vile and injection. Slowly, he sat back on his place and the nurse, started rubbing a cotton ball on my arm.

"It will relax your muscles." He said, smiling at me.

I winced as the nurse, pierced my skin with the needle. She eventually took it out, and left us alone. I turned to look at Dr. Klein and he asked me to lay down, to relax my body more. I did as he said and found myself drifting off.

The last thing I saw was him.


I blinked my eyes, open.

Hoping to be blinded by the piercing light of the hospital room. But, that didn't happen. Rather, their were dim lights. I sat up suddenly, panicking.

Cause I was in a different room.


Hey guys!😄

Their goes cliffhanger no.....😓
Even I don't remember😂

And FYI, from here the novel, has entered a very different phase. But, you'll have to find out, if it's good or bad.😉

Please vote!!!💓

Hope you like it!!😄

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