The Hidden Files

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We were sprinting through the castle—Thane and Dex were right beside me; it felt like old times. We had come in, got the file, and were going to make it out alive. Then they came.

All around us, we were surrounded by guards with guns. They came from the ceiling, through the windows; some even came through trapped doors I had not seen on the way in.

How could I be so foolish to think that we would escape so easily? I was a little out of practice working with a team, but I had fallen into an easy pattern with the boys I use to call my friends.

A guard stepped closer, and I looked over at Dex. He was not as strong as he use to be. I knew that my leaving had messed with his mind, but at this moment when I needed him to be strong and fight, I could see his weakness.

I pulled out the flash drive that contained the files that we needed and placed them in his hand. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Dex, listen to me. Guard this with your life, understand? This has what we need to take them down." He nodded at me closing his hand around the small object before shoving it into his pocket.

I looked over at Thane. He stood there looking at my eyes, questioning what we should do next? To be honest, I was not sure. I wasn't the leader. Thane had always been the leader when I was with the team, but now that I had been on my own and the orders from queen Anastasia came through me. They thought I should lead.

"I am gonna take them head-on," I whispered, "If you see an opening, run." Thane's blue-green eyes searched mine.

"Sparrow, are you sure?" I nodded at his words, not trusting myself to speak because I knew that if I did, I would want to change my mind.

With a deep breath, I sprinted towards the guards letting the two long blades slid down from my sleeves.

I swung and sliced my way through two guards, but I knew it would not be long before they had me, for they had guns. I had known it was foolish to come with just blades, but it made getting by the guards so much easier. I also knew that they would not hurt me because I was such a valuable weapon to any country that could get their hands on me.

I turned to look at the boys that I had entered the castle with. I could see that they had somehow managed to fight their way through the crowd to the door. I could see that even as they stood there, Dex wanted to come back for me. Luckily Thane pulled him through the door. Since I no longer needed to buy them time. I lowered my weapons.

Guards rushed me pushing me to the ground and putting cuffs on me. One guard searched for the drive, and I laughed a little when he realized it wasn't on me.

"Where is it," he yelled, bringing his hand up and slapping me across the face. I instantly tasted the metallic taste of blood.

I spit a mouthful of it onto the floor at his feet, causing him to step away from me in disgust.

"I would never tell you, but it would do you better to be more observant," I smirked as realization crossed his face.

"Find the boys! They have the files!"

I watched as the guards rushed out of the room to chase after my friends, who I knew were long gone.

"Sir," said the guard that was holding me, " what do you want me to do with the girl?" The other guard smirked.

"Take her to the holding cells. The King will want to see her tomorrow."

And with a tug, the guard pulled me towards the cells.

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