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I open the kitchen doors and walk inside. "Look who it is." Remy says and I do some jazz hands. He laughs. "So? Did you do it?" I ask. He steps beside and points at a picnic basket. "Every single food that stood on the list is in there." he says. "Ow Remy." I say as I run towards him and hug him. "You really didn't have to make everything." I say. "I know." Remy says. I look at the basket. "Everything is in there. Plates, cutlery, napkins, and of course the food." he says. He knows me so well. He already predicted that I would forget to bring a picnic basket. "Why do you know me so well?" I ask. He raises his shoulders and we laugh. "Thank you Remy. Seriously." I say as I walk towards the basket. "Thank you all." I say towards the cooks. "You're welcome." they say. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he asks. I nod and put the book in the basket. I lift it and walk towards the door. Before I open it I turn back around one more time. "Thank you guys." I say. "Go." they all yell and I walk away laughing.
    I walk towards the scooter that Ben gave me and put the basket between my feet. I put on a helmet and let out a sigh. "How hard can it be?" I say and start the scooter. I turn the handle and the scooter starts driving. I laugh. It really isn't that hard. I start driving around, looking for a place to have our little picnic. I am driving and see a bridge. I stop and take my helmet off. I walk over the bridge and it ends in this gazebo. In the gazebo, there is already a table with two chairs standing. I squeal in excitement. This is perfect. I run back towards my scooter and grab the basket. I walk back to the gazebo and start unpacking the things. First a table cloth, then the plates and cutlery and lastly I put the foods out on the table. When I am done my phone vibrates and I take it out of my pocket. It's a message from Ben, asking me where I am. I send him my location and put my phone back in my pocket. I look out over the lake and take in a deep breath. This is going to be great. It will be just me and Ben enjoying each other's company.
    After a while of staring out over the lake, I hear someone call my name. I turn around and see Ben standing at the entrance of the gazebo. "Ben." I say and run towards him. When I am in front of him I throw my arms around him and give him a big hug. He laughs. When we let go he looks around. "This is a really beautiful spot." he says. "Yes, it is." I say. "Please take a seat." I say as I point to one of the chairs. I sit down at the other one and he looks at the food. "Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?" I ask as I take one from the plate. "Yes, please." he says with a big smile. I put my hand out and he looks at me. I raise my eyebrows slightly and smile. He catches on and he leans forward, eating the hot hors d'oeuvre. He chews a few times and he closes his eyes. "Mmm." he says as he opens them again. I smile. "This is the best thing I've ever had." he says. "So you like it?" I ask him. "I more than like it." he says and he stands up and reaches over to grab another one. "I, uh..." he says and he puts it in his mouth. "Mhm. Double like it." he says and sits back down. I chuckle. He is so cute. The look on his face when he saw all this, I think I surprised him. "Is this beef ragout?" he asks. "Yeah." I say. "This is amazing." he says as he pricks with his fork in I don't know what. "Did I surprise you?" I ask. "Oh, yeah, you surprised me." he says. Yes! That was my goal. After all the things that he surprised me with it was my turn to do something for him. Not that I actually made it myself but he still deserves it. "This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents." he says as he gestures to the foods on the table. "What'd take you? Three days?" he asks. "You know, don't even ask me." I say, dodging the question. We both chuckle. He looks at me. "Well, it means a lot. That you stopped and did this for me. Especially with all the craziness you've been put through." he says as he grabs my hand. I feel so guilty right now. I mean I forgot and then I made Remy make everything and he is giving me all the credit. "I missed you." he says and I smile. I missed him too. So much. I missed having these moments together when it's just the two of us and no things to do. "We don't get much time to be just us anymore." he says. "I know." I say. I move my hand towards his mouth and wipe away a piece of dough. He chuckles. "You can't take me anywhere, right?" he says and I laugh at the reference he made. I said that after I ate my first jelly donut on our first date. "Do you have a...Do you have a napkin or something?" he asks. "I do. I packed some." I say and look to my right while the basket is to my left. "Oh there it is." he says as he reaches his hand inside them. "I can grab them." I say as I reach for the basket but it's already too late.
    He lifts the book out of the basket. "What's this?" he asks. "Ow, just the book that I was reading when I packet the basket." I say. "'Villains and their way of hurting people'." Ben reads the title. He looks up at me and I give him a small smile. "Why are you reading this?" he asks. "Ben-" I start. "I thought we agreed that you would stop looking and focus on the things you have to do right now." he says angrily. "I can't Ben!" I snap at him. "What do you mean you can't." he says, still angry. "It has been so hard for me!" I yell. "Yes! Some things are hard!" he yells as he stands up. "Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?" he asks. "No." I say. "I thought we were doing this together." he says. "Ben, we are in this together." I say as I stand up. "But we're not, Kara. We're not. You've been keeping secrets and lying to me. I thought we were done with that." he says. I sigh. "This isn't the Isle of the Lost, Kara." he says. Doesn't he think that I know that? I mean look how different it is here, does he think I am stupid or something? "Yeah, believe me, I know that." I say angrily. "Then why are you doing this?" he asks. "Because..." I scoff. "I am not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben. I'm not one of those ladies from the court." I yell. His face falls a bit. "I can't wear dresses and heels all day. I mean look at me." I say and he looks at the clothes that I am wearing. "These are the things that I am comfortable with, not those short dresses or heels." I say. "Kara-" he starts. "I'm a big fake, okay?" I interrupt him. "I'm fake." I say gesturing to myself. "This is fake." I say as I lift up my hair and let it fall down again. "And this," I say as I gesture to all the food in front of us "Is fake." I say. He frowns. "What...What do you mean?" he asks. "I need Mal's help to read all of those books full of manners that Fairy Godmother throws at me. And my hair. Oh, my hair. You didn't actually think that I decided to make it blond, do you? I can't color my hair and after many tries, they finally realized that so now I am wearing a wig. And this food. Yeah, you're right. I forgot that we had a picnic today because I can't have a dam second for myself. So I asked Remy to make it for me. The only thing I am good at making is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." I say. Ben's mouth falls open a bit. "That is who I really am." I say. He looks down and up again. I walk away. "Kara." he says as he tries to stop me. "No, no." I say as I swat his hand away and start running back over the bridge. "Peanut butter and jelly is my favorite!" he yells but I don't care. Tears start to fill my eyes as I get on my scooter and drive back towards the school.
    When I arrive I run straight towards my dorm and swing the door shut after me.
    "I had a dream
    I got everything I wanted" I start to sing as I lean against the door.
    "Not what you'd think
    And if I'm being honest
    It might've been a nightmare
    To anyone who might care" I walk over to my bed and fall down on it.
    "Thought I was happy
    Let them do what they wanted" The memory of me sitting in that chair for hours as they tried to die my hair and all the sessions I have had with Fairy Godmother about manners.
    "Nobody cried
    Nobody even noticed
    I saw them standing right there
    Kinda thought they might care" I mean I told Connor and Evie and Jay and Carlos how stressed I was and still they did nothing. They just said that everything was okay but it is not. They didn't even try to help me.
    "I had a dream
    I got everything I wanted
    But when I wake up, I see
    You with me" I turn to my side and look at my nightstand where a photo of me and Ben stands. The photo was taken when we were dancing at the party after his coronation. His crown stands crooked on his head and we both have a big smile on our faces.
    "And you say, "As long as I'm here
    No one can hurt you
    Don't wanna lie here
    But you can learn to"." The memory of my friends and I standing in a circle choosing for good at the coronation shoots to my head. If only I knew then what I would have to go through.
    "If I could change
    The way that you see me
    You wouldn't wonder why you hear
    I don't deserve you" I think back to the past few months and all the things I did to try and fit in. The spells I asked Mal to perform so I could learn faster. The blond hair, which is one big lie. And then the food at the picnic.
    "I've been searching
    But there's nothing I can find
    I want to go back
    To find what I am missing" I think back to the library and that little bit that I read about my mother. I want to know more. I want to know what my father was hiding.
    "Coulda been a nightmare
    But it felt like they were right here
    And it feels like yesterday was a year ago
    But I don't wanna let anybody know
    'Cause everybody wants something from me now
    And I don't wanna let 'em down" I think about my friends who are all happy here. I asked them what they thought about the Isle but they clearly never want to go back there. They like this place and they are happy here and I don't want to take that from them. We got a chance and for them, it turned out good. But not for me, I don't belong here.
    "I had a dream
    I got everything I wanted
    But when I wake up, I see
    Me on the Isle" I run towards my wardrobe and open the most bottom layer. I pull out my leather outfit and go to the bathroom to change. When I walk out of the bathroom I am in my Isle outfit again. Gosh, I missed this. I am wearing yellow leather pants with a black body-hugging t-shirt on top. I also have my fingerless yellow leather gloves on.
    "And you say, "As long as I'm here
    No one can hurt you
    Don't wanna lie here
    But I have too".' I walk towards my bed and pull out my bag from under it. I put the book about villains and their ways of hurting people in it and then look around the dorm to see if I need anything else. I see Mal's spellbook lying on her nightstand. I will need that if I want to go back to the Isle. I grab it from her nightstand and stuff it in the bag.
    "If I could change
    The way that you see yourself
    You wouldn't wonder why you hear
    I don't deserve you" Ben is such a sweet person and has done everything for me, and what have I done? Nothing. He doesn't deserve to be with someone like me.
    "If I knew it all then would I do it again?
    Would I do it again?" If they showed me what it would be like if I choose good before I chose it, I might not have done it.
    "If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
    What would they say instead?" If I just had focused on the mission and had not fallen in love with Ben then this wouldn't have happened. Then we would be ruling Auradon right now.
    "If I knew it all then would I do it again?
    Would I do it again?
    If they knew what they said would go straight to my head
    What would they say instead?" I finish the song. I walk towards Evie's working table and grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing.
    Then I walk towards Evie's sewing table and grab a pen and start writing a message.

I am so sorry, but I just can't handle all the stress anymore.
All the things I need to do to become this Lady of the Court, which I am not.
I just don't belong here, my home is somewhere else.
I wish you all the happiness you can get and I will never forget you.
X Kara

When I am finished I fold the note in half put it in my pocket. I grab my black leather jacket with a yellow letter K on the back from the coat rack and put it on. I swing my backpack over my shoulder and walk towards the door. I carefully open the door and look in the hallway. When I am sure that there is nobody there I run towards the boys' dorm because I know that is where we meet every Thursday to hang with each other. I open the door and pop my head inside. When I am sure that there is no one inside I walk over to Jay's bed. I pull the note out of my pocket and put it on his bed. I turn to walk towards the door but remember something else. I take Ben's ring from my finger and put it on the note. Then I turn around. Not giving myself the time to have any second thoughts. Once again I look into the hallway to make sure that there is no one. Then I run towards the exit and out of the school. I get onto my scooter, put my helmet on, and start driving.
    I drive towards the edge of a cliff and stop. I look over the lake and see the Isle lying in front of me. This is the right decision I tell myself. I get Mal's spellbook out of my bag and start to flip through the pages until I find the right spell. "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." I chant. I put the book back in my bag. "Okay. Please work." I say and without giving it any more thought I speed away. I drive off the cliff but don't fall as fast as I thought would fall. It's more like I am floating down towards the lake. When the scooter hits the lake it's like I am driving over any other road. I give more gas and speed over the lake. I smile. It worked, it actually worked. I don't know why I am that surprised. I guess I still need to process the fact that my mother was an enchantress so it would only make sense if I had powers to. When I am almost on the island I pass through the barrier. It's like I am hit with a wall of air and gasp. I drive up this wooden plank and drive through some kind of terrace where people are sitting and walking around. I don't bother warning them. "Hey!" some of them yell, but I ignore them. I stop next to a pillar when I see the poster that hangs on it. It's a poster of me and Ben but then a drawn version of us. An X is drawn through my head and on my chest, the word good girl is written. They drew a beard on Ben and an eyepatch over one of his eyes. I rip the poster off the wall and crumble it up. I throw it over my shoulder and continue driving towards our old hideout. When I arrive at our old hideout I park the scooter under the stairs and get off. I take off my helmet and walk towards the front of the stairs. I look at the sign that says 'Danger flying rocks' and I look around me. I spot a rock and grab it off the ground. I take aim and throw the rock at the sign. The sign flips backward and the gate that is in front of the stairs goes up. I smile, the system still works and I start walking up the stairs all the way to the top.

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3130 words

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