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So Ben got crowned king and we had a party after that. Then the next following months a few things changed. First of all, they announced that there would be something that is called a Cotillion and at that event, I will officially be joining Ben's court. Because I will be becoming a Lady of the Court they thought that my silver shiny hair was a little extreme so they tried to change it to blond. But, as I told them many times, nothing worked. So then they decided to put on a wig. So now I am wearing a blond wig at all times. Ben said that he liked it so I guess it's okay. It's just really uncomfortable sometimes. Anyway, we traveled all around the kingdom to meet everyone. I honestly lost count of how many places I have been to. We also got to change our dorm. So instead of the main color being pink and the curtains being pink with flowers we now have the main colors silver and blue. Not a shiny silver tho, it's more like a rusty silver. The carpet is silver and the furniture too. The curtains and bedding are blue.
    Something else that has been bugging me these past few months is the name that Queen Leah called me. Agathe she had said. I search in the little time I get between classes and new court responsibilities, but I haven't found anything. Which is disappointing, but right now classes are over and I am walking towards the royal library. I am looking around to see if I can spot anyone, but luckily for me, there is no one around. When I reach the doors of the library I look around one more time and then I sneak inside. I have been here a few times before, but the library is just so big that I haven't even gone through half of it yet. I walk towards the middle of the library and then I turn left. I am standing between bookcases now and start searching. My theory is that they must have a book dedicated to this Agathe because they have books dedicated to every fairytale character. So I am going down every single book on these shelves trying to find one with the name Agathe on the spine.
    I don't know how many hours have gone by, but I am still looking. I left my phone in the dorms so I couldn't be disturbed, but I hadn't thought about the fact that I can't see the time. I walk around another corner and that is when I hear it. "Kara." somebody whispers. I turn around but see no one. "Kara." the voice says again. I take a step forward and look to the left and right. Nobody. "Hello?" I say. No answer. "Is anybody there?" I ask. Still no answer. "Kara." The voice seems to be coming from the left so I turn left. "Come." The voice says. I keep on walking. I make a few turns and then I see it. It's a stand and on the stand lies a thick book. I walk towards the stand. "Kara." The voice is coming from the book. I touch it and it opens. The pages flip around until they stop flipping and I look at the page which is now lying open in front of me. Agathe, it says on top of the page. Finally, I found it. I look at the picture. It's a blond-haired woman with green eyes. My eyes whiden. I have seen this woman before. I pull out a picture and put it next to the picture in the book. It's a picture of my mother and my father. I look between them. They are one and the same. I quickly start reading. Agathe is a beautiful enchantress responsible for cursing the Prince. I frown, which prince? The Enchantress visits the Prince disguised as a hag offering a rose for shelter and curses the Prince for his arrogance. My mouth drops open. I know this story. She erases the memory of the Prince and the castle from the neighboring village in addition to the spell and curses the enchanted staff to become antiques. If the prince, who is now turned into a Beast does not learn to love when the last petal of the enchanted rose falls he will be cursed to remain a beast forever. I take a step back and take in a deep breath. My mother is the enchantress who cursed Ben's father. "Kara?" I hear someone yell. "Ben?" I yell back and I start walking towards the voice. "Where are you?" he yells. "I am here." I say as I pop my head around a bookcase into the main hall of the library. "Where have you been all this time?" he asks. "What do you mean?" I ask. "It's half-past ten." he says. My eyes whiden. "I am sorry, I lost track of time. Haven't got my phone on me." I say. "It's okay." he says as he extends his hand towards me. I take it and we walk out of the library together. "You missed dinner, but there are still some leftovers." he says. "Yeah, I'll stop by the kitchen on my way to the dorm." I say. "What were you doing in the library anyway?" he asks. "Just looking for some information." I say. "What kind of information?" he asks. "About my parents." I say. He looks at me. "Your parents?" he asks. "Yeah, remember when I told you that my mother died before giving birth to me?" I ask. "Yeah, of course, I do." he says. "My father never told me anything about her, not even her name or fairytale so I know nothing about her. I just wanna find out more." I say. "Why didn't you tell me. I can help you." he says. "Oh, no. You have enough on your plate already with being king and Cotillion so close by." I say. "But you have responsibilities too." he says. "I know but-" I start. "Look, Kara. I know that this can be a bit stressful for you since you are new to all of this, so maybe it would be a good idea to just stop looking for now and focus on your tasks ahead." he interrupts me. "But-" I start. He makes me stop and turns to face me. "You know I will do everything for you, you know that right?" he says. "Yes, I know. And I really appreciate that." I say and we start walking again. "Okay, so promise me that you will stop looking for now and that after Cotillion we'll go looking together." he says. I sigh. "Come on Kara. Help yourself out here. If you stop looking for now you really make it easier for yourself." he says. "Okay, promise." I say and we stop in front of the kitchen.
    "Kara." someone says. I sigh, recognizing that voice. "You missed your dress fitting." another voice says. I turn around and see Jane and Evie walking towards me. "Yes, I am sorry, I got carried away." I say. "Doesn't matter, I have a place tomorrow." she says. "Kara, which color theme do you want?" Jane asks as she shows me her tablet and starts swiping through colors. "I thought we were going with blue and yellow." I say. "Yes that is colors we will use to decorate the boat, but I am talking about the food." she says. "The food?" I ask. "Yes the food." she says and continues swiping through colors. I put my fingers to my temples. "Jane." I say and she looks at me. "You are the head of the Decorating Committee." I say. "Yes that is right." she says. "You can choose alright." I say. "But-" Jane starts. "Jane I trust you with this." I say. "Okay." she says and she walks away. I turn back towards Ben. I am about to say something to him when someone calls his name. Connor comes walking towards us. "I need you man." he says. Then he looks at me and smiles. "Ah! So you found her." he says as he looks back at Ben. "Yeah, she was hiding in the library." he says. "He started looking for you when you missed dinner. Unfortunately for him, he has thrown a few hours away by looking for you which he now has to make up for." Connor says. "Right, let's go." Ben says and they walk away. "Ben." I say, but he is already too far away. I turn towards Evie and she gives me a sad smile. I groan and enter the kitchens. "Is something up?" she asks. "I am hungry and tired." I say as I walk towards the fridge. I open the fridge and look inside. "Well, so am I." Evie says. "Hmh?" I say. "I started working on your dress right after classes ended and haven't stopped until Jane came into our dorm asking where you were." Evie says. "Well, what do you say my fair lady. Do you want to eat dinner with me?" I ask her. "Are you asking me on a date?" she asks. "You bet I am." I say. "Well, in that case. I thought you'd never ask." she says and we both start laughing. "Well then, pancakes it is." I say. I grab the milk out of the fridge and she grabs flour and eggs. We start mixing them and then we start baking them. "So how are your dresses coming along?" I ask. "Good, I mean it's a lot of work, but I kinda like it." she says. "You are going to make everybody look amazing." I say with a big smile. Evie blushes. "How is the Cotillion planning going?" she asks me. I sigh. "You can't let Jane decide everything you know. It will drive her crazy not knowing if you like what she chooses." she says. "I know, but it seems like there are thousands of choices to make. I mean come on, E. The color theme of the food, really?" I say and we both laugh. "That's how things are here in Auradon." Evie says. I sigh. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like on the Isle right now?" I ask. "No, not really." Evie says. "Right." I say. I don't know where this thought came from. I guess it's just all the stress from Cotillion and becoming this lady of the court which I am absolutely not.

    After Evie and I eat the pancakes we return to our dorm. Mal is already in bed sleeping so we quietly prepare ourselves and then we go to bed. The only problem is that I can't seem to fall asleep. With all this new information about my mom and the thought about the Isle, my mind just can't seem to rest.

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1847 words
Happy New Year you guys!
I wish you all the best this year, we can get through this together 🥰

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