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Hate's POV

I sat on the top of our tree house which took us ages to build. It was made out of oak wood and leaves. We needed a place to shelter Love as she was still unconscious. 'How long will she be unconscious?' I asked Seto.'4 to 5 days,' He replied. 'How did Herobrine find us?' Ninja asked worriedly. He simply shrugged his shoulders. I jumped down and sat beside the fire.'Guys?' Jason said. 'Yes?'. 'I found this in a book. You may wanna see this, ' He replied. We all gathered round the book.

It has been foretold that 11 brave minecraftians will rise from seemingly nowhere. 3 not from this world, but from a distant universe. The propechy goes:

12 fight, one will fall
3 arise, standing tall
Everything gone
Birds sing their song
One will perish,
By the fall.

'What do you think it means?' Jason asked. 'Perish means die, but what kind of fall do you think it is?' I asked. 'Fall as in die,' Elmos replied. That's negative. I felt a headache come to annoy the crap out of me. 'Imma go to bed,' I said, yawning. Hopefully this headache will be gone by tomorrow.

4-5 days later

Love's POV

I couldn't see anything. How freaking surprising. I prised my eyelids open. I was in a treehouse thing. How long had I had been out? I stood up and immidiantly fell over. 'Just need to take it slowly,' I told myself. I tried again. This time I didn't fall over. I walked out of Jimmy. Yes I named the treehouse. Problem? I heard Hate on the ground. I've do gotta jumpscare her. I quietly climbed down the ladder. 'Don't even think about it, Love,' She said. 'Dammit,' I said dissipointedly. 'Wait, LOVE?!' She shouted, and sprinted over to me and hugged me. 'Can't breath,' I gasped. She let me go and I noticed the bags under her eyes. 'Have you not being sleeping?' I asked, frowning. 'I have, I've just been worried,' She replied. 'Wait where are the other senpai's?' I asked. Hate smirked as I got a bucket of water poured over my head. I gave Hate the death glare. And everyone burst out laughing.

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'I swear if you hurt my sister you will die,' I said to Pewds. Yeah Pewds and Ninja got together while I was out. 'I won't hurt your big sister,' He replied, rolling his eyes. I gave him the death glare and caught up to my twin. 'Sup,' I said. 'Him,' She replied, pointing to Adam. 'Wow. Just wow,' Adam replied. We giggled and ran ahead. 'How's your stomach?' Jelly asked. 'Meh,' I replied, shrugging my shoulders. I still felt pain every now and again, but oh well. I felt a bigger pain and I fell down a hole and came face to face with a skeleton.


So if you haven't noticed, I've changed the title of the story cause yeah, not much university in it. Also we've got ten more chapters. DON'T BE AFRAID TO COMMENT!

Love you guys



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