Title: The Implications of Laplace...by Rhag Fir Skay
The Implications of Laplace's Demon For Supercomputing. Could this mean someone in the past knew we would exist?
Modern Philosophy and Other Nonsen...by UberSam
These compositions are developing ideas of the theory of mind including other interpretations of western works in philosophy. These writings also consist personal insig...
The 21st century Napoleon by ZeusThekid1
This book sets out to describe a man, who rejects conformity, transcends himself and works to shape the new world.He eliminates resentment society is built on, and esta...
One coin to decide fate. Or vice-v...by LightInTheCan
Here I am, flipping the coin that decides the fate of the universe. But who decides what side it lands on ?
Written as a response to the writing prompt "Unbeknownst...
Before Oedipus, a mythical Greek king of Thebes, was burn the Oracle of Delphi told King Laius of Thebes that he'd have a child who's destined to kill him and sleep with...
The Tundraby Charles534637
A man haunted by his past walks through an empty tundra. His thoughts turn to the philosophical, causing him to feel like he's going insane.
...Epoch...by lotuseater20
"There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, after all our mistakes teach us something." But for her there is no room for mistakes. For them mistake means imp...
( to help out ) by N.S.
Altruism science philosohy psychology people
Life idiosyncracy omniscionce dr.rejnh sayorn
YOU NAME ITby The naked philosopher
Who knows how to think anymore? Or even what to think? With all the confusion around me, I decided to grab a pen and just let it run
The Determinism Behind Human Condu...by Insouciant
Have you been told you are your own person? Perhaps that you have a free will, or that you govern your actions, are responsible for them, and for this reason, deserve to...