"In the quiet streets of a small town in Rhode Island, where tranquility and familiarity welcome those who live there, lies a world of dark secrets and repressed emotions. In this seemingly idyllic world full of hidden intrigue, Sebastian Vuitton is the epitome of superficial success: a rich, handsome and arrogant young man who enjoys an unrestricted life, chasing ephemeral pleasures and avoiding any real commitment. Amy Philippe, a newcomer to the city along with her sister and cousin, carries with her a light of hope and joy in her eyes. Despite the difficulties they face as immigrants, her indomitable spirit and natural sweetness attract the attention of everyone around her. When fate brings Sebastian and Amy together in a chance meeting, they both find themselves involved in a dance of love and tragedy that will take them to the brink of despair. In a world where secrets are commonplace and pride can be the worst enemy, Sebastian and Amy will fight to find redemption amid the shadows that threaten to consume them. This is the story of their forbidden love, the obstacles they face and the eternal search for light in a world full of shadows." WARNING ⚠️ • Content +18 • Complete draft of the original story. • Copies, plagiarism, among others, are not accepted. History protected and registered, with copyright reserved. • History for a young audience.
28 parts