Hark! Another person has sputtered out their compressed air for the final time.. People are turning into aerosol cans and Mother Pomskilly seems to be caught up in the middle of it! Journey with our babygirls and men: Mother Pomskilly, a quirky gossip girl mother that seemingly hates everything other then medication.. and hot men, her daughter Sasha, a Lesbian queen interested in all kinds of bees (she is also having a bad hair day), her two sons Lee Arknights and lee (they seem to have a very... strong bond) and the mysterious walking around doctor Eja! Our gangsters on the way run into a mythical surface... But who is that cylindrical metal shape which is slightly full following them..? A new city being made by... hackers? And whats this aerosol can buisness anyway? Find out more, in Even MOMS Can Go To UNIVERSITY! -Stacy Gaymin <3
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