* Chapter 6 *

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[Name] was walking around her newly built estate, she didn't care how it looked right now her mind is somewhere else. "Who is Yoriichi's descendent?" [Name] thought out loud. She was growing frustrated how the hell did he even get a descendent, [Name] was about to go to the Rengoku estate to ask a couple of questions since [Name] does remember the former Hashira Shinjiro Rengoku.

Flame and Sun breathing aren't the same yet they are, though others will find it insulting by saying it is. Once again her crow interrupted her thoughts, being a demon and a professional demon slayer she is sent on the most dangerous missions.

"Caw! CAW!Tsugikuni [Name]! Children and Women have been missing in a nearby village! Tsugikuni [Name]!" The crow yelled. "I honestly want to lock you in a cage in the middle of the forest," [Name] said smiling at her crow.  Her crow was quite... no VERY offended. "You know what! CAW! Next time you want to send a message! CAW! Walk your ass there!" The crow yelled back flying away towards the destination. [Name] laughed and ran following the crow.


As she entered the village [Name] heard a woman screaming "Help! HELP SOMEONE!". [Name] immediately went towards the noise and unsheathed both of her swords. The demon had drool coming out his mouth looking at the woman, who was backing away slowly.

[Name] walked towards the scene purposely sighing loudly catching the demon's attention. The demon turned back showing his fangs at her, "Who are you?! This is my food! My territory!". The demon grabbed the woman ready to bite her arm off, and [Name] ran towards them both in a flash cutting the arms of the demon off before he could touch the woman. The woman fell and [Name] caught her, she looked at the woman in her arms "Run. Don't look back just run and get away from here." [Name] said as she helped the woman stand straight before looking back at the demon who's arm slowly regenerated.

The woman just stood there looking at the demon in front of them in fear, "Run now, or do you want to die?!" [Name] slightly yelled making the woman flinch and run.

The demon froze once [Name] turned her attention back to him, as he glared he suddenly felt fear in his whole body when he didn't even know the woman, why was he feeling this way? He has never seen this woman nor heard of her, but as this woman began to get into a fighting stance he saw a figure behind her. A man with burgundy hair tied hair and hanafunda-like earrings, and the demon felt his blood get cold. Who were that man and woman and why was he feeling fear? Why couldn't he move?

'Lord Kibutsuji who are they, and why do I feel fear towards them without knowing them... What are you hiding?' The demon thought.

[Name] stepped forward once and as she took a step the demon stepped back, but he didn't even notice that she was beside him her sword to his throat, "Where is Kibutsuji Muzan?" [Name] sternly asked looking at the demon right in the eyes. The demon's eyes widened and he tried backing away with his legs, but he felt another blade at the back of his neck.

"My swords are on both sides of your neck, make a move or try to attack me, and I'll kill you. Say something unnecessary, I'll kill you. Do anything I don't like, I'll kill you. Now, where is Muzan?!" Y/n yelled at the demon slowly pushing her swords into his neck.

The demon choked screaming, "I-i wi-will neve-er tell YOU!".[Name] eyes turned into a cold glare before she hummed in response, "Dragon Breathing Second Form: The fire of Ancalagon the black.". Fire came out of [Name]'s sword to the neck of the demon making the demon scream in pain. The demon's body filled with fire before disintegrated.

[Name] watched as the ashes soon disappeared, spinning both her swords in her hands to let the blood come off, and put it in the scabbards.

"Useless demon didn't even get me any information that i needed. What a waste of time asking him." She spat before walking away from the scene.

"Stop trying to rush everything, remember what I told you, 'A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret.' those regrets could be lives, be patient." a voice said.

[Name] stopped the moment the voice finished...she knew that sound of that voice, she froze. Tears pricked her eyes she didn't even want to turn around. [Name] turned around only to see nothing.

Of course...

That voice belonged to the one and only Tsugikuni Yoriichi.

Made: 12/23/20
Edited: 1/30/23

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