* Chapter 1 *

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[Name] and Yoriichi have a long history towards each other, full of love, full of violence but most of all trust. Yoriichi trained [Name] to be the best swordswoman she could, once training started [Name] was no longer his wife in the moments of training, instead, she was an opponent. He would train her hard almost brutally, but [Name] would not take it personally. She would take it as a way of showing he cared.

"Swing faster [Name]. If I was a demon I could strike you at any moment." Yoriichi warns, [Name] controlled her breathing and dodged Yoriichi's wooden sword by stepping back and moving side to side using the wooden sword to block his attacks. Swinging her sword at him he quickly dodged it and swung his wooden sword at her hitting her ankles and making her fall. "Again," he said.

[Name] breathed heavily but nodded, she got up and glared at Yoriichi. Yoriichi ran towards her and [Name] did the same, the sounds of wooden swords clashing together could be heard. [Name] kicked his wooden sword forcing her body to turn and aimed to swing her wooden sword at his shoulder but Yoriichi blocked it. [Name] blocked Yoriichi's hits and started to give him stronger and swift strikes. Yoriichi snatched [Name]'s sword pushing her down in the process with his wooden sword against her throat. "You lose." he says, "but you're getting better [Name]." She breathed heavily while putting her hand up to get help from him. He reached for her hand and pulled her into a hug "I think the problem is you can't handle one sword, for some reason your left hand tends to free while your right grips the sword. Would you like to try two swords? ?" he asked. [Name] nodded at his words, "I didn't even realize that, I'd like to try two.". Yoriichi smiled at her and passed her two wooden swords while he took one. "Again," he said.

As months passed by [Name] and Yoriichi still fight side by side against demons. He still trained her no matter if she's gotten better, he wanted her to be prepared for a stronger demon without his help. [Name] picked up the two swords twirling the two swords with her fingers she sent Yoriichi a teasing smile. "I will finally win against you."[Name] said still twirling the wooden swords in her hand. He nodded, "Let'test it out shall we?" he said picking up his wooden sword. [Name] stopped twirling her swords and got into her fighting stance. Her eyes not leaving off any of Yoriichi's movement.

[Name] ran towards Yoriichi, trying her best to not get blocked by him. Yoriichi swung his wooden sword towards her only to be blocked by one sword and the other sword hitting his knee. [Name] attempted to push him down but Yoriichi smacked both of her hands with his wooden sword making her loosen her grip on her swords. She gripped her swords and again hit Yoriichi's hand and knee at the same time. She attempted to hit his shoulder but Yoriichi blocked her.

[Name] knew she couldn't beat Yoriichi no matter how much she tried, he was simply the best at everything. [Name] was now smiling at Yoriichi which made him confused, she dropped her swords and jumped on him locking her legs with his waist and hugged him. Yoriichi easily carried [Name] from the amount of training he did through the years "What's the reason for this?" he asked looking at her with a small smile. "You know I cannot beat you, no matter how much I try I simply cannot," she said while her head is in the crook of his neck.

Yoriichi smiled and hugged her back. "I'll protect you for as long as I live [Name].".

[Name] pulled away and cupped his cheek, "The same goes for you Yoriichi". [Name] unwrapped her legs from his waist and got off him; she picked up her practice sword ready to train with him again.


Many demons feared Yoriichi and [Name], both were always together fighting demons side by side.

That was until multiple demons at once came towards them. Yoriichi slashed multiple at once, not knowing one demon was using all the demons as sacrifices to get to either him or [Name]. The demon leaped towards Yoriichi, Yoriichi was ready to fill the impact but, was still ready to kill the demon. The impact never came nor did the demon. The demon's head was rolling on the ground, but a loud thud came at the same time.

Yoriichi's eyes widened as he felt his heart drop, his wife on the ground. The demon's hand was in her stomach, though the demon was dead. She had taken the hit so Yoriichi wouldn't. The demon's body began to fade away making [Name]'s fatal wound more painful. "Y-Yoriichi..." she gritted out as she put her hand on the fatal wound attempting to stop the wound from bleeding, "I don't w-want to leave your side" [Name] said with tears in her eyes. Yoriichi ran towards her and dropped to the floor beside her. "Why would you do that?!" He yelled losing his composure for once. "I promised to protect you with m-my life didn't I-I? A-and that I did" [Name] managed to say coughing out blood in the process. She weakly looked up at him and smiled, tears began to fall out of Yoriichi's eyes as he stared down at her.

[Name] shot up and began breathing heavily, she shoved Yoriichi away from her and screamed in pain, her mouth started hurting, and her body began burning. She fell to the ground from to much pressure on her body, Yoriichi ran towards her "You're opening the wound more [Name]!" he yells while trying to pick her up from the ground. "Yoriichi... what's wrong with me?!!" [Name] yells in pain. Yoriichi eyes widened as he looked at her body and sees her wound is healed, and skin now pale.

made on: Dec 20, 2020
edited on: jan 28, 2023

Tsugikuni [Name] (Yoriichi X fem!reader )Where stories live. Discover now