* Chapter 18 *

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Y/n was going to where Tanjiro was staying and as she was walking there she saw Muichiro sitting down looking at the sky.

"You know, i'm going to Kamado's house do you want to come with me?" Y/n said to the young boy patted his head. Muichiro looked at her and said "who? Kamado?... oh right i remember sure, do you know a swordsmith named Kanamori?" Muichiro asked.

Y/n shook her head and said "I bearly know most of the swordsmith, i only know like 3. You can ask Tanjiro when we are there maybe he'll know?".

Muichiro nodded and began walking beside her following wherever she was going.

Muichiro and Y/n arrived there and Tanjiro and Nezuko were sleeping. "Maybe we should come back la-" Y/n tried saying but Muichiro walked closer and pitched Tanjiro's nose.

"Do you know a swordsmith named Kanamori?" Muichiro asked still pitching his nose. Tanjiro shot up and yelled "Wah! Tokito! Did you just pinch my nose?!" he covered his nose with his hand.

"Yes. And you reacted too slowly." "Nuh-uh! if you would have done it in anger i'd have known!" Tanjiro said. "But i wouldn't pinch a nose in anger." Muichiro said.

Y/n laughed and went by them putting both her hands on their heads "Kamado, do you know where Swordsmith Kanamori is?" Y/n asked. "I know Kanamori. But why? I'd guess he's with Haganezuka." Tanjiro said.

"Kanamori is my new swordsmith. Where is Haganezuka?... wait Y/n if i remember didn't you have a question to ask him as well..?" Muichiro said.
"It can wait but let's all search together!" Y/n said.

"Y/n, you should ask. Don't you have any concerns if you do not?" Muichiro said looking at Y/n now. "Well helping others often ends up helping others. i've been helping others for many... many years." Y/n said giving a closed eye-smile

Muichiro's eyes widened and said "Huh? What? What did you say?  Now just now." Y/n opened her eyes and said " i said it's fine i can help Mui.". Nezuko shot up hitting Tanjiro's chin, making him rub his chin. "Nezuko you're up!" Tanjiro yelled

Muichiro's face turned back into a neutral face, "That girl is a strange creature." he said. "Huh? Strange?" Tanjiro said quite offended. "Yes. Very strange. What is it? I can't find any words. i've met that girl before. And it was that way then too. What is it exactly?" Muichiro said crossing his arms thinking.

Nezuko copied Muichiro's movement crossing her arms and tilting her head. "Hmm? Is someone here?" Tanjiro said as the door made a nose. "yes." muichiro replied back. Y/n got up and stared at the door she had a bad feeling.

The door opened and a demon was crawling in, Y/n took our both her swords and Muichiro took a his sword, Muichiro decided to attack first; "Mist breathing Fourth form: Shifting flow flash."

The demon jumped up to the roof clinging onto it. "Stop! Don't be so mean to me! It hurrrts!" The demon said trembling on the roof. Y/n jumped up and used one sword to stab the roof to stick there and hold her, and the other to slide the demon. She threw her sword at the demon making the demon fall to the ground screaming. Nezuko got up and kicked the demon making it fly back. She's back to her normal form?

"Nezuko! Don't take that form!" Tanjiro yelled sweating. Muichiro got up and sliced off the demons head in an instant "AIEEE!! You cut me!" The demon screamed.

"Tsugikuni!! Tokito!! Don't let your guard down!" Tanjiro yelled The demons head rolling soon another demons body came out. Y/n's eyes widened and she griped her swords tighter, "I'll take the one in the back!" Tanjiro said.

The other demon had a Autumn-like leaf weapon. He swung the weapon at Muichiro making Muichiro fly back. "Tokito!!" "Muichiro!!" Y/n and Tanjiro yelled.

One of the demons began laughing and said "This is fun! They really went flying... didn't they. Sekido?"
"There's nothing fun about it. I am just angry. Angry about being mixed in with you too. Karaku!!" The demon said angrily. "Oh? Then it's good we've been separated."

The demon with a staff banged it down on the. ground making a loud booming sound affecting Tanjiro but not Y/n since she is a demon. Y/n ran towards Tanjiro trying to make him get away from the battle so she can fight it but she saw someone on the roof a man with a gun.
It was Genya.

Genya shot his gun aiming for the demons neck which he did. The demons neck flew off, and Genya jumped down to kill the other one. "Ohhh... that was enjoyable... fun even... I've never felt an attack like that before!" The other demon said.

Genya got his sword out ready to slice of the demons head "No Genya!! No matter how strong the weapon, this demon can't be defeated!!" Y/n yelled but it was to late Genya already sliced the demons head off.

"Everytime you cut it, it just divides! It's rejuvenating! Getting stronger!" Tanjiro yelled. "It wants you to cut its head off!!" Y/n yelled.

Another demon appeared "Ha Ha Ha! How wonderful! It's been so long since i divided! " The demon said picking up Tanjiro with its like hawk legs.

Y/n was ready to jump up and attack the demon until Tanjiro yelled "Don't worry about me, Nezuko and Tsugikuni! Help Genya!".

Y/n hesitated but nodded and ran to find Genya.
"You're so weak it's sad." The demon said. The demon used his staff picking it up ready to strike Genya but Y/n pushed Genya making the Staff go into her.

"Nezuko!! Help Y/n and Genya!! Please! Hurry!!" Tanjiro yelled.

Muichiro was running back into battle he saw a child running away. 'A child... that's a swordsmith. He must be an apprentice. A demon and a child.' That demon doesn't seem like the main body. Some demonic power created it.' Muichiro thought. The child was kotetsu, kotetsu started screaming since the demon was getting closer to him.

'Theres no reason to stop here. The whole village is under attack. To protect it, i must prioritize the chief and the skilled artisans.' Muichiro thought, Kotetsu was raised into the air by the demon being ready to be eaten. And Y/n's words dunked into Muichiro "Helping others often end up helping yourself!"

Muichiro's eyes widened and ran towards Kotetsu and the demon slicing the arm off to free him. Muichiro got in front of Kotetsu and said "If all you can do is get in the way, just run!"

Muichiro cut off the demons head but it just regenerated back. 'I cut what seems like it's weak spot, but it's not going down. it regenerates. So is this it.'

Muichiro swing his sword beginning to break all the vases on the demon. The demon soon began to crumble away screeching. Kotetsu ran towards Muichiro hugging him.

"Waaah!! Thank you! I thought i was dead! Dead! I was so scared! Waaah! I was wrong to call you a seaweed head! I'm sorry!!" Kotetsu said hugging and letting go.

"Seaweed head" Meant me?" Muichiro said. "Waaah!! I'm sorry! I was mad at you!" Kotetsu said covering his face/mask with his hands crying. "I don't have time for this. I'm going so you do as you please." Muichiro said and began running away.

"Wait!! Kanamori is under attack too! And Haganezuka didn't sleep while he was repairing Tanjiro's sword, so you gotta help them!! Any delay and they're done for!" Kotetsu yelled bowing down with tears.

"...no, i.." Muichiro said but than a sudden memory came back of Oyakata-sama saying "You will definitely reclaim yourself Muichiro.". Muichiro smacked his head but it wouldn't go away. he heard oyakata-samoa's voice once again "You must be confused, but right now think only about survival. As long as you're alive it will work out somehow. Your lost memory will return. It is unnecessary to worry. Do not miss this opportunity begin with trivial matters and clear the mist inside your head."

Muichiro picked up Kotetsu and began running "H-Hey! Slow down a little! We're nearly there!" Kotetsu yelled. "Don't talk you'll bite your tongue."

To be continued...


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