* Chapter 33 *

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Y/n's past when she was a child:

Y/n father made her run around the land to work on her stamina since she always hated running and just wanted to be at home and eat dinner with her family but her father forced her to train to protect herself for future purposes.

As Y/n was running she saw two boys sitting outside of their home sitting on their porch in silence. Y/n being Y/n ran towards them and greeted them being the little social person she was  "Hi I'm Y/n" she said standing in front of them. The one with their hair tied just looked at her and the one with their hair down smiled and waved.

Y/n figured the boy couldn't talk or maybe he was deaf? Y/n smiled and she was waiting for the other boy to at least say his name or wave but he never did he only stared at her. Y/n laughed nervously because of his stare all he said was "Tsugikuni Michikatsu". There was silence at the moment so Y/n decided to say "Do the both of you want to run with me? I'm training at the moment, and while I was running I saw the both of you sitting here.". Both of the brothers looked at each other and looked back at the girl.  All Yoriichi did was smile wide and stood up to go beside Y/n. 

Michikatsu had a face of disgust as his brother was smiling. "Instead of running, I want to play board games or fly a kite with you and brother." The boy with his hair down said. Y/n eyes widened at the sound of his voice it was soft and sweet. Y/n smiled and nodded, the boy with his hair up was looking down, he looked upset at something. 

* Before Y/n came* 

'I wanted to know the secret to Yoriichi's Strength. I approached him persistently and while i was talking to him Yoriichi said something inexplicable.' Michikatsu thought. 

"Before your opponent attacks, his lungs heave. You just need to look closely at the disposition of his bones, the contraction of his muscles and the flow of his blood" Yoriichi said looking down at the ground in boredom. Michikatsu was confused at first about what Yoriichi was talking about until he realized Yoriichi could see inside the bodies of living creatures.

While Michikatsu was thinking a girl came by smiling and greeted herself. Michikatsu just looked at her, while Yoriichi had a smile on. "Hi I'm Y/n," the girl said waving at the boys. Both the boys stayed silent at first but Michikatsu just said "Tsugikuni Michikatsu". The girl nodded and just stood there. 

Silence was filling the air but Michikatsu could careless, he was just thinking about how Yoriichi was more superior than him. "Do the both of you want to run with me? I'm training at the moment, and while I was running I saw the both of you sitting here." Y/n asked breaking the silence. 

His younger brother stood up and went beside the girl all Michikatsu could do was sit down and think. He was upset that his younger brother was better than him with swords at such a short period of time. Michikatsu thought about how hard he worked to get at the level he was at, while Yoriichi barely even trained. 

Many days passed and Yoriichi and Y/n have always hung out. Y/n's father was starting to get curious about what's making her leave the house all of a sudden, usually after a training session Y/n would cry and say her body was hurt and she was hungry. But right after Y/n would go ask if she could go run around the village which her father agreed since it was actually helping her stamina. 

Y/n and Yoriichi always invited Michikatsu to hang out but Michikatsu would ignore them and continue to train harder than ever. Y/n still gave food to him and would leave with Yoriichi. Y/n and Yoriichi asked one more time if Michikatsu would play with him but all he did was shake his head and continued to swing his sword. 

Y/n grabbed Yoriichi's hand ran into the woods to their secret spot, Y/n was supposed to lead the way but Yoriichi was running a bit faster making Y/n tumble on her footsteps. She tried her best to keep up and boy was that a fail. As they arrived Y/n was a mess, she was breathing hard holding onto her knees to catch her breath while Yoriichi was still holding her hand looking at the lake. 

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