* Chapter 40 *

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Muzan turned to Y/n as she was running towards him. He sent a tentacles only for Y/n to slide under it and start running again. "Look at you so determined to kill me. It's hard to tell...which one of us is the bad guy. You make my skin crawl." Muzan said

Y/n stopped in her tracks and glared at Muzan "You took everything from me. If you were never here I would have had a family! Let's finish this Muzan. I'll see you in hell." Y/n spat.

Her sentence only made Muzan smirk and chuckle. "Let's see who dies first."

* Back to Tanjiro's Vision/Dream before he awoken*

In addition to receiving explanations hundreds of times...my understanding vastly changed...upon seeing the accurate forms demonstrated one time.

Maybe i'm just dreaming. Even still...i noticed wasteful movement when it came to a slight variation in the angle of my wrist...and difference in my foot work and learning the intervals between breaths.

Yoriichi was a quiet and simple person.

When Suyako asked to see the sword forms he was kind enough to show her. Sumiyoshi watched them carefully burning them into his mind so not one escaped. The sun breathing forms were so pretty that he forgot to breathe. They were strikingly beautiful.

I understand they were later passed down in the Kagura. When he swung his sword Yoriichi looked like a spirit rather than a human.

Suyako and the children overflowed with excitement...and Yoriichi looked down in embarrassment. There was small clapping coming from inside the house.

They all turned to see Y/n still in her small form clapping to Yoriichi's beautiful forms. Her hands were clapping fast and she was smiling huge. Yoriichi made a small smile and the baby was following Y/n's movements clapping as well. Y/n smiled more as the baby was copying her.

Y/n looked so alive, her eyes are brighter here... Her eyes glowed looking at Yoriichi. It's like she could never see anyone the same as him, her eyes glowed for him and for him only like that. Y/n would smile at others the same but her eyes never shined as her eyes shined at Yoriichi's.

Sumiyoshi asked him to come back someday but when they parted Yoriichi gave Sumiyoshi his ear ornaments.

Yoriichi went inside the house getting Y/n and Suyako gave Yoriichi a box they built for Y/n so he could travel with her instead of having to worry she would be burned by the sun.

But as soon as Yoriichi was about to flee Sumiyoshi realized that Yoriichi would never come again. Yoriichi looked sad as he walked away and Sumiyoshi began to cry.

"Y-Yoriichi!! You saved our lives so we will carry on your legacy!! Your life is not without value. Don't you ever think that you can't accomplish anything! I won't ever let anyone say that about you! I will pass down these ornaments and sun breathing to future generations i promise!!" Sumiyoshi yelled.

Y/n popped her head out of the box and smiled with tears in her eyes. Yoriichi smiled as well and said "Thank you."

He and Y/n waved one last timed and turned around and made Y/n go back in the box.

Thank you for helping my ancestors. If it were not for you we would have never been born. You believed that Tamayo and let her escape, and now she has helped us back Muzan into a corner. You believed that keeping Y/n alive would help you continue and help others in the future years, now she has helped us defeat demons through out all her life.

I can fight with the sun breathing that you showed them. Twelve of the forms have been passed down surprisingly accurately despite the passage of hundred of years. Dance, clear blue sky, raging sun, fake rainbow, fire wheel, burning bones summer sun, sunflower thrust, solar heat haze, setting sun transformation, beneficent radiance, dragon sun halo, head dance, flame dance. You showed me 12 forms. I've been thinking about the 13th form that the flame hashira mentioned. And i noticed something about the names. "Dance" and "Flames Dance" have similar names. And my father once said "If you learn how to breathe properly, Tanjiro, you'll be able to dance forever too" He always danced the Hinokami Kagura...until dawn.

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