* Chapter 37 *

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A group of Demon Slayer found a big pile of flesh hanging from walls, "There! We found it!" "It's Muzan!!" "Our blades can't reach!" "Calm down!" "Can anyone jump down there?!" "First, cut the flesh on the walls!" 

Muzan jumped down slicing off the head of a demon slayer shocking the other slayers. "It's Muzan! He's here!!" A demon slayer yelled before his head too was sliced off. Muzan began to attack all the demon slyer at once killing them all in a split second. 

"When one lives for over a thousand years...one loses one's sense of taste...but I was starving, so that meal just now was truly delicious," Muzan said holding Lady Tamayo's head. "You went to all the trouble of bringing me food...so I praise you Ubuyashiki...Your child who became your successor... I don't know which one has assumed leadership but they are truly outstanding. If they kneel before me and hang their heads, I wouldn't mind making them demons. I have just lost almost all of my subordinates." 

"Well, Tamayo? It appears your medicine for returning demons to being humans didn't work in the end." Muzan said lifting Tamayo's head to see it. "You, today...are sure to go to...hell..." Tamayo said with tears in her eyes "Hundreds of humans have spat those words at me over the years...but they never make them come true. How sad." Muzan said back smirking,. 

"...Just you wait...Y-Y/n will..." Tamayo said "Oh so you didn't hear I guess? She died defeating one of my subordinates how pathetic." Muzan said.

Tamayo looked down in defeat "My...Husband...and Children... give them back." Tamayo said. "Then die...and go to those relatives you killed," Muzan said squishing Tamayo's head in an instant. 

"You're all useless. Tonight, I will crush the Demon Slayers. I will kill them all," Muzan said smirking.


Tanjiro and Giyuu were running across the fortress to see Muzan. "Muzan!!" Tanjiro yelled. Muzan turned to look at him and Tanjiro's breathing started getting heavy he remembered seeing his family's dead body, Nezuko as a demon, and Y/n smiling at him. 

Tanjiro gripped his sword pulling it out "Tanjiro...calm yourself. Just calm down." Giyuu said. "You're so persistent. And I'm getting sick and tired of you all...and am losing my patience. You're always yapping about vending your parents or your children or your siblings. Isn't it enough that you're still alive?" Muzan said making Tanjiro and Giyuu freeze.

"So what if I killed your loved ones? Consider yourselves lucky and carry on with your lives" Muzan said with an annoyed voice. How can you say that?" Tanjiro said. "Think of it as if they simply met with a disaster. There's no need to make it more complicated than that. Rain, wind, volcanoes, earthquakes...no matter how many people they kill, no one seeks revenge against them. Besides, the dead will not return to life. So give up your grudge. Just make a living and pursue a quiet life. That's what most people do. So why don't you? There's only one reason because Demon Slayers are Abnormal. And I'm tired of dealing with you. I just want this to end." Muzan said. 

"Muzan...we cannot allow you to exist anymore!!" Tanjiro yelled.

Muzan made his arms stretch with a large blade coming out towards Giyuu and Tanjiro "Water Breathing Eleventh form: Dead Calm!!" Giyuu yelled stopping the blade from reaching them. 

Tanjiro managed to dodge all of the attacks getting closer to Muzan only to get his eyes slashed by Muzan.

"Don't get in close!! We don't need to cut him!! He's more powerful than an upper-rank kizuki!!" Giyuu yelled. 

Tanjiro and Giyuu were dodging all of Muzan's attacks "Trying to buy time until dawn? But the sun doesn't reach inside the castle. Can only three hashira accomplish such a feat?" Muzan said. 

"After all, the Hashira in the stripped haori and the girl hashira both seemed to have died at the hands of my minion," Muzan said while sending more attacks. Both his arms were now stretched into sharp blades roaming around the room attacks Tanjiro and Giyuu all at once.

"Tanjiro!!" Giyuu yelled. Tanjiro slammed into a wall falling all the attacks were coming too fast it was hurting Tanjiro a lot. "Stop!!" A voice yelled it was Mitsuri. 

"Love Breathing Six Form: Cat-Legged Winds Of Love!!" Mitsuri yelled her swords going all around Muzan but Muzan was left unharmed. "What?! He's unharmed!! I've never been so shocked!!" Mitsuri yelled. 

Obanai was holding Tanjiro "You are a troublesome encumbrance...so stay back." Obanai said glaring at Tanjiro. "Iguro...thank goodness you're alive!! Kanroji too!" Tanjiro yelled. "Try worrying about yourself instead of others," Obanai said getting up to face Muzan. 

Muzan saw Obanai, Mitsuri, Giyuu he was most shocked about Obanai and Mitsuri how can they be alive? "What are you doing Nakime?!!" Muzan yelled.  

"You want to know what's happening? I'm controlling her vision that's what! Muzan, you have committed the gravest sins this world has ever known. I  demand that you kneel in abject repentance...for taking Lady Tamayo from me!! And now...I'm gonna knock you outside!!!" Yuishiro yelled with angry tears coming out of his eyes. The whole castle was warping and shaking 

Muzan started fighting against Yuishiro's mind in Nakime's mind "GRAHHHHH!!" Yuishiro yelled in still fighting back Muzan's control over Nakime. "Stop interfering!! And die!!" Muzan yelled angrily. 

Obanai and Giyuu went in to attack Muzan "Water breathing Fourth form: Striking tide!" "Serpent Breathing First Form: Winding Serpent Slash!" Muzan stopped fighting against Yuishiro and started to again send attacks at the Demon Slayers. 'What pests!!' Muzan thought. Muzan sent an attack at Nakime attempting to kill her. 

'He's trying to kill her!! Oh no!! The castle will come apart!! But I mustn't give up! In the brief time before her cells completely die... I must get Muzan and the remaining corps members outside!!' Yuishiro thought. 

Obanai, Giyuu, Mitsuri, and Tanjiro were all either dodging Muzan's attacks or sending attacks towards him. The castle started to creak. 

'That creaking sound! The castle is breaking up!! If we don't get outside, everyone but Muzan will die!!!' Obanai thought. 

The sharp tentacle blade was coming towards Mitsuri "EEP!!" Mitsuri began to panic the blade was too close for her to dodge or for her to block. "Kanroji!!!" Tanjiro yelled, he was too far to do anything. 

Suddenly all the tentacles were cut in an instant and a large force hit the castle's ground making the whole castle shake a break apart from how much force the attack had. 

Everyone was shocked by the sudden attack and immediately got up from the broken pieces of the castle. 

"KAAAW! The sun will rise...in one and a half hours!!" The crow yelled. 

Pieces of the broken castle soon were exploded in the air from Muzan's sudden appearance more tentacles came from his back. "Oh...I suppose you intend to hold me here...until sunrise...If you think you can.. then go ahead and try!!" Muzan yelled. 

"I don't think I can...I know I can..." A voice whispered into his ear behind him. Muzan's eyes widened at the voice he was about to send an attack but he was set on fire and Y/n stabbed one of his hearts with one part of her sword and pulled out the sword slicing off his head.

"Y/n is still alive!!!" Tanjiro yelled.  (...I need to make my stories less obvious I hate it here :,) 

Y/n knew he wasn't gonna die but she was still going to do it either way. Y/n, of course, didn't die she needed time... she connected both Yoriichi and Michikatsu's swords together making it into one. it was as a staff but with blades on both sides. It made Y/n's attacks faster, instead of having to swing both swords, she can swing one but by just turning it. 

Muzan sent his sharp tentacles towards Y/n and Y/n swung her the now staff cutting off all the attacks. Y/n jumped back and slammed the staff on the ground making the floor grumble. Y/n dashed towards Muzan and jumped into the air spinning her body "Sun breathing:  Dance!" Y/n yelled slicing Muzan but Muzan jumped back now glaring at the one and only Y/n Tsugikuni. 

" I see your still alive...sadly." Muzan said angrily, "I could say the same for you." Y/n said setting her body on fire. 

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