* Chapter 3 *

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Hundreds of years passed and [Name] missed him dearly, she'd see Yoriichi in her dreams every night which would haunt her. She hated sleeping, she would just see him there smiling at her. She cried every morning after waking up from her dreams.

[Name] used one of her swords in her right hand and the left hand was Yoriichi's sword. She would use her left to block the demon's attack and use Yoriichi's to kill the demons.

As time was passing, she felt like giving up she had no one to help her, and she was alone. Thinking of the pros and cons of the afterlife was an easy decision, the pros would be, being in peace with Yoriichi, and there were no cons. She inhaled deeply looking outside the house... sunlight. She exhaled before getting up and walking towards the exit of her house. She heard Yoriichi's voice but muffled "Don't do this continue fighting!".

[Name] tears gathered, "I cannot do this without you Yoriichi, hundreds of years have passed and I still cannot." she softly whispered out, walked towards the doorway once again, and inhaled and exhaled slowly ready for her fate.

[Name] went outside closing her eyes feeling the sun on her skin preparing to feel the pain, the impact, the heat. But the pain nor the impact never came. She opened her eyes and looked at the sun, nothing was happening to her. She gasped and started running around finally feeling the sun on her skin after hundreds of years. [Name] looked back at her home the scenery was now dead but for a moment she saw her home looking as if it was built new and the wisteria trees were alive blooming from the wind. She saw Yoriichi standing at the door smiling, she swore her heart dropped. She ran back into the house to see no one her heart ached from her mind tricking her. Blinking once more the house was old and breaking apart, looking outside the trees were dead and leaves were flying off.

[Name] gathered her swords together preparing to leave her home, and began helping whoever needs help.


[Name] was hungry, she promised Yoriichi long ago she would never eat or harm a human only save them, but either way, she never craved it or felt affected by it once she was near it.

As she walked through the area she ran into a man, he had black shoulder-length hair, and light skin. He had this purple mark that was on his face making [Name] feel guilty that she had bumped into him. "I'm so sorry sir, I should have looked where I was going please forgive me." [Name] apologized bowing down. The man gently patted her head making [Name]'s eyes widened, she hasn't had any sort of affection towards her besides drunks catcalling her.

"You seem lost, afraid, and confused... you're a demon yet you are not harming anyone?" he said with a soothing voice making [Name] get up and smile softly. "I promised my loved one, I would not harm humans and only kill demons." He nodded and smiled. "I'm sorry, excuse me for my rudeness my name is Tsugikuni [Name]," she said smiling once more. "Ubuyashiki Kagaya, nice to be you Tsugikuni call me Oyakata-sama". "Ubuyashiki? Ubuyashiki?" she thought repeating it in her head, I know that name from somewhere.

He gestured her to follow him which she gladly did and walked behind him. two girls next to him, perhaps his daughters helping him. "This question may be rude but you don't have to answer, how long have you been a demon?" he asked with his normally calm voice. "Oh uh maybe a hundreds years I don't really know, but I would say five hundred." [Name] said looking at him, he nodded. "Tsugikuni? Are you perhaps a relative or wife?" Oyakata-sama asks. "I a- I was Tsugikuni Yoriichi's wife yes, in my heart I will always be" He smiles knowing she keeps her loyalty. He knew about the person who began breathings but decided not to push it any further.

[Name] told Oyakata-sama how her and Yoriichi almost killed Muzan, and how she has his sword to remember him. He listened to it all not interrupting her but asking her questions to fully understand her. [Name] happily answered them honestly and smiled more and more, happy that she could share her story. "Would you like to help us defeat Kibutsuji and his demons [Name]?" he asked [Name] instantly agreed. "I'll protect you with my life Oyakata-sama" [Name] says smiling even more now.

"I can heal your curse if you want Oyakata-sama? I may not be able to remove it but I can give you extra time" He smiles and nods. "It's going to feel like a pinch but it's going to stop the pain and help. I've never helped anyone with a curse so let's see.."

"I'm going to be touching your face is that fine?" "Do as you must [Name]" [Name] begins touching Oyakata-sama's face and putting her hand over his forehead. Fire began to come out of her hand, the fire was like a burgundy color. Oyakata-sama only felt a pinch like [Name] said, but the pressure on his body began to feel less and less. Shockingly [Name] looked to see his curse slowly going away but not fully only some of the purple marking away. "All done Oyakata-sama." [Name] said happily "I healed some of it! Some of it even faded!" Y/n says happily from how her Demon Blood Art could do some good. Oyakata-sama chuckles, "Thank you Y/n, I feel less pain with it. I believed from the swords on your waist and the years you've lived, you're experienced with fighting demon, yes?" he asked making her nod, "I am. I was trained under the man who created breathing techniques and forms.".

Oyakata-sama nodded, "I'm sure you're experienced, so it would be a waste to start you from the beginning. I'd like to make agree on you working with our highest rank in the Demon Slayer Corps.".

"Where ever you want me I'll be there." [Name] said.


Oyakata-sama was talking to nine other people who were bowing down to him with full respect. [Name] was slightly nervous to be in front of other people, due to locking herself ima house most of the time and only making conversation when needing too.

"Greetings my children, sorry to do a meeting so unexpectedly, but I'd like to make an announcement. We now have a new person joining us, and I'd like you all to accept her. [Name] please step out." Oyakata-sama says. [Name] stepped out making the nine people look at. "I'm Tsugikuni [Name]. I'm a demon." [Name] straightforwardly said.

"A DEMON?!!" a white-haired man said with a lot of scars on his body immediately got up and drew out his sword along with the other Hashira pointing their swords at Her.

"Lower your swords please, she means no harm. [Name] healed some of my curses and has met muzan long ago."

All the hashira's stared at [Name] in disbelief, "This girl? Alone?" the white-haired man said in disbelief. "Did you fight him?" a boy with long hair and turquoise hair tips asks. "I did fight him and almost killed him." [Name] said confidently. Yoriichi would always laugh at her for not having social skills and she wanted to improve just for him. But also Yoriichi was a quiet person around others but [Name] so his social skills were low like [Name]'s.

"Was he a hard target" "What did he look like?" "Did you attack first" "When did you meet him?!" "I asked first shut up!" Questions all attacking [Name] making her a little nervous.

"Please introduce yourself to [Name]" Oyakata-sama says.

"I'm Iguro Obanai" a man with a snake around him says. "Shinazugawa Sanemi," the whited haired man says sternly at her with a glare. "Himejima Gyomei" A man with tears coming out of his eyes. "Kocho Shinobu" A woman with black hair with purple tips. Having a butterfly hairclip on. "Tokito Muichiro" A boy said looking into the clouds more focused on it. "Rengoku Kyojuro" A loud voice says happily. "Kanroji Mitsuri" A loving voice said she had pink chinks with pink hair. "Uzui Tengen" Also another whited haired man with jewels on him. "Tomioka Giyuu" The man said lowly with black hair and dark blue eyes.

[Name] stood up and bowed down, "I'll be happy to fight along side with you. My breathing form is the sun. My husband, Tsugikuni Yoriichi, was the strongest demon slayer of them all, and he trained me. He created the original breathing style... the sun breathing style. I will be the one to end Muzan even if my life is on the line. But i will not be allowing you nine to die. Muzan took everything from me, including Upper Moon One."  [Name] picked up her baldric back on and got both of her swords out. "I will help, and not let a single limb go missing on you."

The Hashira stared at [Name] with hope, her her beings around for hundreds of years, experiencing battle against muzan, having an original breathing, and being able to walk into sunlight is a big win. Including being trained under the strongest demon slayer, is going to bring their hopes up.

The boy who was looking at the cloud finally stared at her, she looked back at him before her heart dropped. Her eyes slightly widened as the sound around her began to sound muffled,  Oyakata-sama began to dismiss the meeting, as the boy named Tokito Muichiro began to walk off, she quickly headed towards his direction.

Tsugikuni [Name] (Yoriichi X fem!reader )Where stories live. Discover now