* Chapter 8 *

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The demon girl inside the box slowly got up and glared at Sanemi with drool dripping out of her mouth. Her eyes filled with hunger, but her body forced herself to stay out. Sanemi was holding his wrist up waiting for the demon to attack "What's the matter demon? Come on! You know you want it." He says moving his arm closer to her.

All the Hashira were staring at the commotion, [Name] stared at Tanjiro, who was staring at the scene with anger. Sanemi was taking this too far, [Name] stared back at Obanai who was digging his elbow hard into Tanjiro... "Iguro, you're digging into him too hard. Ease up a bit please." Shinobu said.

"I'm only holding him down cause he is trying to move." He responds still digging his elbow deep into the boy.

"Kamado, if you use any breathing techniques while your lungs are squeezed, your veins will burst," Shinobu says trying to stop him from hurting himself even more. "His veins will burst! I like it! Sounds Flamboyant! Come on! Start bursting!" Uzui says excitedly "Poor soul... such a weak pathetic child. Namu Amida Butsu." Gyomei adds on.

Everyone's attention went back onto the demon girl, she was forcing herself to resist her hunger. She started to shake because of Sanemi's blood on her hand when his arm was leaking onto the box. Sanemi began to laugh... his blood would be hard to resist, his mariachi blood to be specific.

Tanjiro began to scream trying to escape Obanai's grip, "Kamado!" Shinobu whisper yells.

[Name] watched Tanjiro screams get louder before a resemblance of Yoriichi's back view was on Tanjiro. Tanjiro broke off the ropes making Obanai's eyes widen, [Name] swiftly appeared beside them grabbing Obanai's arm harshly away from Tanjiro's back. Tanjiro took that as an opportunity and immediately got up and ran towards his sister. "Nezuko!" he screamed.

The demon paused for a second like she was seeing something, she stood still, drool still coming out of her mouth. Nezuko snapped out of it and glared at Sanemi, and turned away from his arm shocking him.

"What just happened?" Oyakata-sama asks and one of his children reply, "The demon girl turned back in disgust. Although she'd been stabbed three times by Shinzazugawa. And despite his flaunting of his bloody arm in her face, she still restrained herself.".

Sanemi was aggravated he was proven wrong, which he did not like one but. "So now, it's proven that Nezuko won't attack humans, right?" Oyakata-sama says. [Name] felt a pull and looked down at Obanai who was glaring at her. She glared back before harshly letting go of his arm, "What do you think you are doing Tsugikuni?" Obanai spats. [Name] remained quiet ignoring him, and returned back to her spot.

"Tanjiro..." Oyakata-sama called at him, which Tanjiro immediately looked at the master. "I'm sure that even after this, there are some who can't accept Nezuko. You must prove it to them starting now. That you and Nezuko can fight as Demon Slayers. That you can be useful..." Oyakata-sama says.

Tanjiro immediately bowed to him in silence...
"Go out and defeat a Twelve Kizuki. Do that, and you'll be accepted by all. And it will give more weight to your words."

Tanjiro got up and looked at the master and said, "I... Nezuko and I will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji! Nezuko and I will do it for sure! Strike with the sword that will stop the chain of grief!"
"The master gave him a closed-eyed smile, "As you're ill-equipped to do so right now, Tanjiro, let's start by defeating a Twelve Kizuki, all right?" Tanjiro immediately turned red, "Yes sir!" he says embarrassed.

Laughs were heard between the Hashira while some remained quiet still uneasy about the new announcement, "It goes without saying that the Hashira's of the Demon Slayer Corps have phenomenal skills. After training themselves to death, they have defied death, and they've defeated Twelve Kizukis. One even almost killed Muzan herself.."Oyakata-sama says.

Making Tanjiro look at each one of the Hashira in front of him.

"A good attitude to have!" Rengoku says. "This is why Hashira's receive respect and preferential treatment. so Tanjiro, mind your manner when you speak." Master says "Y-yes sir!"

"One more thing, Sanemi... Obanai... Don't torment the younger ones too much." Oyakata-sama says. "As you wish," They both said looking down.

[Name] looked at Nezuko who was making angry huffing sounds inside her box while looking at Sanemi. She smiled a bit before looking away back down to the ground.

"Tanjiro, we have concluded our business with you. You may step back." Master says

"In that case, allow me to take Kamado into my house! all right, then! take them away please!!" Shinobu says clapping her hands The kakushi immediately rushed in and grabbing Nezuko and Tanjiro away.

"Now then, let us begin the Hashira meet-" but master got interrupted by Tanjiro. "-Hold on a second! " he yells running back with Kakushi's yelling at him to come back and chasing him. Tanjiro fell to the ground and stared at Sanemi, "Please allow me to head-butt that man covered in scars! I gotta... I gotta head-butt him as many times as he stabbed Nezuko!! he yells. "Head-butting isn't a violation of the corps right?" Tanjiro continues yelling. The Kakushi struggled to hold him back, "Let go of me!" he yells trying to escape their grip.

Out of nowhere 3 rocks hit the boy's face with full force one by one making him hit the ground. "You're not allowed to interrupt the Master," Muichiro says flipping the rock in his hand, making both of the Kakushi were apologizing on their knees begging for forgiveness.

"Just get out of our sight," he says plainly. Both of the Kakushi quickly obeyed and picked up Tanjiro and ran off.

(Skip Hashira Meeting)

[Name] went to go visit Tanjiro to see if he really is Yoriichi descendent, but as she was getting up she sees the Flame Pillar prepared to leave. "Are you going out on a mission Rengoku-san?" She asked. Out of half the male Hashira he was the nicest to her. "Is that you Tsugikuni? We just got some new information about a demon, and the slayers who confronted him got taken out. We're losing rank and filers, too, now. We can't stand by and do nothing." He says turning to her with a smile.

"Could it be the Twelve Kizuki?" She asked.

"Most likely, yes. It might be a member of the Upper Ranks." he responded causing her eyes to widened a bit before quickly returning back to normal, "Rengoku-san would you like me to go on this mission with you, I would not mind one bit. I will be-".

"Tsugikuni-san I got this! Don't worry one bit! I promise, but I saw you looking at that head-butting kid? Know who he is?" He said quick to reassure her.

"I'll tell you when you get back, so I know you're keeping our promise," [Name] says smiling to which he nods and laughs while walking away. I

Please be careful Rengoku-san.

Now time to visit you Tanjiro Kamado

made: 12/26/20
edited: 1/31/23

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