* Chapter 7 *

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[Name] remained in the same place, she shook her head and convinced herself that it was her imagination and revenge getting the best of her. "Yoriichi if it was you... I miss you." [Name] whispered before walking away.

(Two Years later)

Over the past two years, [Name] was able to gain all the pillars' trust. Not fully, but some of it which was a start. [Name] was able to work on her Demon Blood Art, also her fire could now be used for destroying objects in a split second instead of waiting for them to burn.

Nothing has changed besides her strength and the one thing that remained on her mind was Yoriichi's descendent... who was right in front of her. He passed out due to the mission he was on. He looked somewhat like Yoriichi, the hanafuda earrings, the burgundy hair... [Name] could not look at the boy.

It hurt to look at the boy on the ground passed out.

The Kakushi was aggressively waking up the boy. "Wake up... hey, I said wake up!" The kakushi began to get more aggravated, "Wake... Hey! HEY YOU! C'MON, YOU! C'MON! ARE YOU GONNA SLEEP ALL DAY!!! WAKE THE HELL UP, WILL YOU?!" he yelled.

The boy woke up quickly looking around to see where he was.

"Bummer. I heard he was a Demon Slayer with a demon in tow, so I was looking forward to seeing someone flamboyant, but that's one drab-looking dude, huh?" Uzui said making [Name] glance at him with a glare.

"And now, we'll put this boy on trial! I see!" Rengoku says

"Wh-who are these peop-" the boy tried saying only to get interrupted by the Kakushi, "Don't open your mouth just yet, you moron! Just who do you think is standing before you?! You're in the presence of the Hashira!"

The boy stared at the ten people in front of them, looking at each of them before he stopped at [Name] slightly closing his eyes and debating on what to think.

"This is the Demon Slayers' headquarters. And you're about to be put on trial... Kamado Tanjiro.." Shinobu said. [Name] eyes now widened, 'Kamado... Kamado the scar he has on his forehead is just like Yoriichi's'

Before we start the trial, why don't you explain the crime you've comm-", but the Flame Hashira interrupted Shinobu, "There's no need for a trial! Protecting a demon is a clear violation of the code! We're within our rights to deal with him on our own! We're going to behead him along with the demon!" Rengoku says. "In that case, I'll be glad to decapitate him flamboyantly. I'll show you the most flamboyant blood spray you'll ever see. I'm talking max flamboyance." Uzui says agreeing with Rengoku.

[Name] looked at all the Hashira hoping someone would disagree...

"Ah, what a pitiful sight this boy is, The poor soul...I pity him for having been born at all" Gyomei says.

"Hey you, The Hashira are speaking. What are you looking at?" the Kakushi says to Tanjiro, "These are the ten highest-ranking swordsmen in the demon slayer corps."

"Hashira..?" Tanjiro mumbled.

"Let's put him out of his misery," Gyomei says.

"Yeah! Let's do it. Flamboyantly." Uzui adds on.

Tanjiro mumbles a name ignoring the conversation in front of him.

"HEY!" the Kakashi yells.

"Nezuko" the boy mumbles. "Nezuko, where are you?!" The boy begins to yell, "Nezuko! Zenitsu! Inosuke! Murata!"

"Forget that. What will we do with Tomioka?" Obanai says resting on the tree, "Seeing him there without any restraints is giving me a headache. Based on what Kocho told us, Tomioka's just as guilty of breaking the corps rules. How will we deal with him? How should we make him take responsibility? What kind of lesson should we teach him?".

Tsugikuni [Name] (Yoriichi X fem!reader )Where stories live. Discover now