* Chapter 13 *

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As they all walked outside the butterfly estate, Uzui turned around, "All right... I am a god! You three are trash!" he yells pointing at the trio. "If I say be a dog, you act like a dog, If I say be a monkey, act like a monkey!! First and foremost, you must please me! Bow and scrape and avert your eyes! Your, toadies, are mine, body, and soul! I'll say it again... I AM A GOD!" He continued pointing at himself.

"What exactly are you the god of?" Tanjiro asked believing the Sound Hashira making [Name] and Zenitsu now look at Tanjiro dumbfounded. "Good question. You've got a promise. I'm the god of glam and flash... the god of festivals!" Uzui yelled.

[Name] gave a disturbed face to Tengen who still held a confident smile.

"I'm the god of the mountain, greetings god of festivals." Inosuke greeted putting his hands on his hips. [Name] put her hand on her face, mentally regretting her choices. "What're you talking about? You're weird," Uzui said with a puzzled face.

Zenitsu and [Name] at Uzui with cringed faces, were they the only normal ones?

"Along the way to the Hanamachi, There is a Wisteria house. We'll make our preparations there. Follow me" Uzui said running straight ahead disappearing from their sight.

The trio gasped, "Hey! He's gone!" Zenitsu yelled. The trio started yelling comments about how fast he is. Y/n sighed and disappeared in an instant as well. "She was faster!" "That's not important Inosuke! Quit chatting! We have to follow them!" Zenitsu yelled trying to chase after them.

( At the house with a Wisteria Flower on its Crest )

"Once in the entertainment district, I'll gather information on the demon while you... keep your eyes open for women that I can marry." Uzui said making [Name] furrow her eyebrows. "That's absurd!" Zenitsu yelled. "Huh?" Uzui said with a hand behind his neck. "Stop messing around! The Demon Slayer Corps isn't a matchmaking service!!" Zenitsu yelled. "HUH? Listen, you're wrong-" Uzui tried saying but Zenitsu interrupted him.

"No, YOU listen to me! I get that a weirdo like you must have a lot of trouble with the ladies... But... don't use members of the corps to find yourself a wife!" Zenitsu yelled.

"YOU IDIOT! My wives snuck into this entertainment district and have been gathering information about the demon here! I'm going in because their communications suddenly stopped!" Uzui yelled back. Zenitsu froze, "Is that the weird fantasy you tell yourself?" he uttered.

Uzui lost his patience, "Here! These are letters they sent by a crow!" Uzui yelled throwing hundreds of letters at Zenitsu. "So many! She must write very quickly." Tanjiro said. [Name] noticed the quietness from Inosuke and looked back only to see him stuffing his face with food. "Dolt! I have three wives." Uzui started acting as if it was nothing.

[Name]'s eyes widened, she was about to comment but Zenitsu did before anyone.

"Three... wives? Th-three?! Y-you?!  HOW CAN YOU HAVE THREE WIVES? GIMMIE A BREAK!" Zenitsu yelled like a madman. Uzui hit Zenitsu in his stomach hard making him collapse to the ground. "You got a problem with that?" Uzui asked irritatedly.

"Uzui, in the letters your wives keep reminding you not to stand out when you arrive. What are we gonna do?" [Name] said not taking her eyes off the letter.

"Use disguises of course. It's boring and plain, but... I have to get you in there for your mission. I thought an entertainment district would be the perfect place for demons to hide... but when I snuck in as a customer, I couldn't find any leads. But my three wives are outstanding Kunoichi-female ninjas... so I sent them in. But most as customers. We've narrowed it down to three establishments so you'll go there and look for my wives. Suma at house Tokito, Makio at house Ogimoto, and Hinatsuru at house Kyogoku. " Uzui explained making [Name] nod.

Inosuke was picking his nose, "What if your wives are already dead?" he bluntly asked. Tanjiro's and [Name]'s eyes widened and Uzui got up hitting Inosuke the same way he hit Zenitsu.

"We brought the things you'll need," A person said smiling. Inosuke and Zenitsu were now passed out, while Tanjiro was looking down staying quiet not wanting to take part in what just happened, [Name] looked away as well.

"Thanks." The Sound Hashira said grumpily.


[Name] stepped out of the room dressed up in beautiful clothing and not in her normal demon slayer outfit. Getting stares from the passersby, she saw the three boys dressed up with makeup and girl clothes. [Name] let out a laugh as the people commented on how ugly the "girls" were.

"We'll take the one in the middle," a woman says referring to [Name]. [Name] stopped laughing and glanced at Uzui, "Ah, so sorry ma'am she's not for sale the other three are. All I ask is that you care for one of them. Thank you, Ma'am," Uzui said with a charming smile.

The woman blushed at this, "We'll take the other middle one, she looks honest!" she said referring to Tanjiro... well Sumiko.

"I'll work as hard as I can!" Sumiko beamed.


"You two are truly hopeless! I'll have to sell you dirt cheap! Everyone wants Tsugikuni and she's not even for sale! You should be ashamed! " Uzui yelled at Inosuke (Inoko) and Zenitsu (Zenko). "I'm not talking to you!" Zenitsu yelled crossing his arms. "Because I dressed you like a girl? You said you'd do anything. I told you." Uzui said quite frustrated.

"Hey! What's happening over there?!" 'Inoko' yelled pointing at an umbrella that was held in the air. Uzui looked where he pointed, "Oh... it's an orian dochu. a courtesan procession. That's koinatsu-an oiran from house Tokito. A high-ranking courtesan is going to greet a suitor." Uzui explained.

"What?! That's your wife?! Back off! That goddess is your wife?! NO WAY! Are all three of them that beautiful?!" Zenitsu yelled. Uzui punched Zenitsu in his face and yelled "That's not my wife! I wrote down their names for you!"

"You move too slow. In the mountains, you'd get killed right away. Right (Mispronounced name)" Inoko said. As [Name] was about to respond a woman came by and said "Pardon me, kind sir, but... if you're looking to place that child... I'll take her in. I'm the madam at house Ogimoto, and I have an eye for talent."

"House Ogimoto! I'd be grateful for that!" Uzui said smiling replacing his angry expression quickly. Inoko looked so confused and the woman took him in. "Take care, Inoko!" Uzui fake happily yelled. As they both walked away Uzui's smile immediately dropped and glared at Zenitsu.

"You know I can just take his place right in the Kyogoku house," [Name] said smiling at Uzui. Uzui and Zenitsu had pink tints on their face. "G-go along with Zenitsu and be careful." he coughed out trying to make a serious expression. [Name] nodded and took 'Zenko' with her.

( House Kyogoku )

[Name] and Zenitsu were playing the Shamisen. [Name]was playing soothingly while Zenitsu was playing it soothingly as well but aggressively. "They sure can play the Shamisen!" a girl yelled. "Yeah... they got style." Another girl commented. "They got a good ear, if they hear it once, they can play the Shamisen or Koto." "One is full of beauty and the other is ugly. I'm surprised she got in here" A random woman said making Zenitsu angrier.

"I heard the man who brought her in was gorgeous!" Another woman commented. "Really? I wish I had seen him! Even the housemother was blushing!"

The other girls were talking and [Name] was just... well Zenitsu was doing the talking with [Name]. He randomly stopped and said to [Name] lowly "A girl is crying... that's the most important sound" and ran off. [Name]'s eyes widened before she followed Zenitsu but hid her presence, unlike Zenitsu.

Zenitsu saw a girl in a destroyed room sobbing, "Hey! What a mess! What's going on here?!" Zenitsu (Zenko) Yelled.  The girl turned around with blood on her lip. Zenitsu panicked "HUH? Was there... a fight in here?! Did someone hit you?! Are you alright?!" Zenko asked making the girl cry harder. [Name] just watched from afar...

"Calm down. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you! My bad!" Zenko said trying to comfort the girl. "If you're in some kind of trouble-" Zenitsu's ears sensed a sound he froze from fear.

A woman was behind him "What are you doing in my room?" the woman asked with venom in her voice. Zenitsu started sweating nervously... it was a demon. [Name] sensed the amount of strength the demon had... it had the same as Akaza's but weaker.

Made on: 12/28/20
Edited on: 2/6/23

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