* Chapter 20 *

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Hi, my best friends who will never leave me or I'll drown you. How are you?  :) 

Me realizing I've been writing the breathing form wrong... I've been writing sun breathing form: _______ WHEN IT"S SUPPOSED TO BE HINOKAMI KAGURA! FUCK MY LIF-

Y/n picked up them once again and dodged the attack one of the demons was making. It made the whole place collapse to the ground. "Ha Ha Ha! Our prospects have improved considerably! Now they have nowhere to hide!" one of the demons yell.

Y/n had an idea pop up in her head 'if I light my sword on fire they will be in more pain and here less fast putting my sword on fire with Yoriichi's sword will make it harder for them to heal.' Y/n got up and made both of her swords go on fire and ran towards them demons. 

Nezuko grabbed onto Tanjiro's sword not letting go "Nezuko, it's all right! I won't leave you! Let go of the sword! I'll move the debris! Nezuko, stop! You'll cut your fingers!" Tanjiro yelled as Nezuko won't let go. 

Nezuko dug her palms into the sword making her bleed "Nezuko! Stop!" Tanjiro yelled. The sword went on fire just like Y/n's. The demons saw Y/n's blade and froze her blade was on fire... The demon looked at Y/n and saw a memory of some man. 

'A burning blade. Bright red... based on Lord's Muzan's memory... That blade belonged to the swordsman who almost cut off Lord Muzan's head... It's the woman Lord Muzan was talking about! The one he wants dead!' one out of the three demons thought. 

The demons saw Yoriichi behind Y/n with the saying stance. Y/n and Tanjiro jumped in the air and yelled "Hinokami Kagura; Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance!" cutting all the demon's heads off at once. 

"Tanjiro where's the other demon?" Y/n asked looking around, "He's over there by Genya!" Tanjiro said back we ran towards him and once we did he turned around looking like a demon. 

"What kind of attack was that!? I can't regenerate! It's burning!!!" Karaku yells. "Quit whining! It's embarrassing! You're regenerating just slowly! Sekido yelled at Karaku. Out of nowhere Genya grabbed Tanjiro by the throat and yelled "Don't get cocky! I'm the one who's gonna slay the upper-rank demon!" "Genya!" Tanjiro yelled.  "It wasn't your strength that beat upper rank 6! That's why you haven't become a Hashira! Ah! Yeah, that's right. Before you can, I'm gonna..." "Genya! You're Frothing! You're choking me! What's wrong?!" Tanjiro yelled as he was being choked. 

Y/n just stood there dumbfounded she knew Genya wasn't going to kill him literally... right? haha... 

"I'm the one's gonna be a Hashira!" Genya yells. Y/n stepped in removing Genya's hand from Tanjiro's neck holding it. "That's right Genya! You will be the next Hashira! Nezuko, Tanjiro, and I will support you with our full strength! Let's all fight together! I'm your cheerleader here!" Y/n said smiling making Genya red instantly. 

"There must be a fifth demon... I'll look go buy some time!" Tanjiro said smiling as well. "I know what you're up to! Getting me to drop my guard!" Genya yelled at Tanjiro. Tanjiro just stared at him with clear eyes and Genya stood there shocked. Y/n pushed both of them out of the way and yelled "Watch out!" making both of them fly away kinda far. 

"I'll tell you as soon as I find the fifth one! Just be careful not to attack Nezuko or Tsugikuni! Nezuko is my little sister!" Tanjiro yelled. Tanjiro began to search with Y/n and Y/n yelled "Genya! Straight to the Northeast! The fifth one is Hunkered down there!" 

"Go I'll back you up! Tsugikuni please go with Genya! Don't let the demons interfere with him! Nezuko will help me!" Tanjiro said making Y/n nod and follow Genya. As Y/n followed Genya she spotted one of the demons, she went towards them jumping onto them and setting them on fire making them scream. Y/n immediately got off the demon seeing Sekido about to stab Genya with his staff. "Genya!!" Y/n screamed. 

Y/n tackled the demon to the ground stabbing his chest and setting him on fire. "Genya! Don't give up! Do it again you got this! Try to cut it's head off! Don't give up! This time you can do it! I'll cover you! Focus on cutting off its head! Like I said I'm your cheerleader!" Y/n yelled smiling. 

Genya saw one of the demons about to attack Y/n he got in front of her to block the attack. 
"Genya!" Y/n yelled. "I can't take its head off. You do it." Genya said. Y/n nodded and ran towards the tiny demon setting her sword on fire at the same time. "GYAHHHHHHHH!" The demon screamed as he saw Y/n sword on fire aiming for him. 

Another figure appeared behind Y/n making her eyes widen 'I need to cut off his head even if i die!' Y/n thought. "Y/n! Get out of the way!" Genya yelled. 

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