💫 i'm not gonna make it alone. (Kuroo) 💫

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pairing: Husband! Mafia Member!Kuroo Tetsurou x Wife! Police Officer!Reader

scenario: Y/N and Kuroo are two people in love but both apart of organizations. Y/N being apart of a major police unit and Kuroo being apart of the mafia. While doing a job given to him by his leader, Kuroo gets caught by a police officer automatically being sentenced to death once recognized for who he was.

warning: mature themes, mentions of death

song: Alone, pt. II by Alan Walker and Ava Max

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It seemed like just a few years ago when Y/N and her husband Kuroo were young as they walked through the city of Tokyo and passed by posters on the walls of stores.

Every class they were both praying they were the ones that the teacher wouldn't call. They would stare at each other, especially since they were always in trouble.

While all the cool kids did their own thing, Y/N was on the outside always looking in. She was there but she wasn't, and she thought that no one really cared if she was in.

But Kuroo cared, simply back then was because he was interested in Y/N. As a matter of fact, he had a crush on her. And it wasn't that long ago when he got to confess his feelings for her.

"Y/N, I'm gonna leave you if you don't come on." Kuroo popped his head into the empty classroom to see if Y/N was even there. He just wrapped up volleyball practice and he intended to walk home with her.

Kenma already went ahead and left since Kuroo said he could as long as he didn't get lost. "Y/N?" He called out softening his voice as soon as he heard sniffles.

Once Kuroo called her name gently, she looked up at him. He felt heartbroken seeing her cry. He walked over to her and sat down next to her heaving in a sigh.

"You can go ahead and leave without me, I'll just walk home on my own today." She mumbled sniffling once more. "Why are you crying?" He asked gently guiding her head to rest on his shoulder.

"..." She was absolutely silent, but she nuzzled her head into his shoulder using it to cry on. "You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to, but I'm always here to talk if you ever want to talk to someone." Tetsurou told her as gently ran his fingers through her hair in comfort.

"Why do you care so much?" She mumbled as she snuggled up to the side of the guy she considered her best friend.

"We all need that someone who gets you like no one else right when you need it the most. We all need a soul to rely on, a shoulder to cry on and a friend through the highs and the lows." He whispered as he continued to play in her hair.

It was at that moment there, when Y/N realized her feelings for Kuroo. That was five years ago when they started dating, and now they're married and possibly thinking about starting a family together.

The only thing stopping them was the fact they both worked dangerous jobs. Y/N being a police officer which was dangerous due to the type of criminals her unit was in charge of dealing with.

And Kuroo who was one of the types of criminals Y/N's unit was in charge of dealing with. Tetsurou was a member of the mafia, loved by all and hated by none. He was his boss' favorite member thus making him his right hand man.

But recently, Kuroo was behind bars put on death row. A decision by the Chief of Y/N's unit due to his criminal record and how many different felony's he committed as a whole.

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