Christmas Morning Waffles and Rings

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^^^ Kinda going off that pic (Also why is he so handsomeeeeeee) 

House: Any

Year: After the war 

Blood: Any 

Warnings: Fluffy, one curse word. 

Draco and I stared into each others eyes, e/c meeting gray and we lay in bed. He leaned forwards to place his cold lips on my warm ones. Kissing me gently he shifted closer to me. I sighed happily into the kiss. I pulled away but his lips chased me trying to catch them once again. He succeeded and captured me in another kiss. I pulled away gently kissing his forehead as I sat up and stretched. 

"Im going to make breakfast." I said turning to look at him. I crossed my legs so Draco could move his head into my lap. He hummed giving my thigh a chaste kiss. I smiled down at him.

"Baby i gotta get up." He wrapped his arms around my waist gently rubbing the skin that was showing. I carded my fingers through his hair making him hum in satisfaction. I continued on for a while before realizing he was starting to go back to sleep. "Okay, cant go back to sleep. Im going to get up and make some waffles you can come down when their done." Draco opened his eyes sleepily to look up at me. 

"Okay love." He whispered. I moved his head of my lap and stood up throwing on a robe. I kissed his cheek before exiting the room. I made my way down stairs flicking my wand towards the radio so i could have some nice music while i cooked. I smiled as 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' came on. I hummed along as i got all the ingredients down and started up the oven. 

I slowly placed waffles on the plate checking the bacon every so often. I heard heavy and tired yawns behind me, arms wrapped around my waist as i turned the waffle maker. I turned towards Draco who had messy bedhead and a sleepy smile. He leaned in to kiss me as i wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed each hand on either side of me pinning my against the counter. He kissed me gently before pulling away. He held out his hand and i looked at him confused. 

"May i have this dance?" He asked before pulling me towards him. As 'All I Want For Christmas' came on he started to sway me back and forth. I giggled as his swooped me around in a circle. He chuckled turning me back to his chest still swaying. 

He spun me around again to face him as the song came to a close

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He spun me around again to face him as the song came to a close. Pulling me towards his chest and rested his forehead against mine. I grinned at him before pulling myself out of his arms to take care of the bacon. I place the bacon on a plate and started rummaging around before i heard. "Fuck it." I turned around concerned. 

"Darling, wha-" I gasped when i saw Draco behind me down on one knee. He looked up at me eyes full of adoration and love. 

"Y/n, Baby, Darling, Love. Merlin i could go on with the cute nicknames for you." He started talking as i stood shocked a hand over my mouth. "I was going to do this later back i cant wait any longer. I love you so much, i knew i loved you from the moment you told me off for bulling those kids at school. Hogwarts was difficult but you made it better. You are my everything and every little moment i take to heart, every kiss, every hug, every I love you. I would be nothing without you."He took a deep breath and took out a velvet box. "Will you do me the honor of being able to call you my wife?" By now i full full on sobbing and i nodded vigorously. I collapsed to my knees wrapping my arms around him. 

"Yes." I whispered. He smiled eyes full of tears. 

"Lets get his ring on you future Mrs. Malfoy." I chuckled as he slid the ring onto my finger.  He sighed leaning into me. 

"I love you." He whispered leaning his face closer to mine. Kissing me gently he took my face into his hands. 

"I love you too." I whispered back. "But, as much as i love you i have to heat up our breakfast." I giggled standing up. 

"Hey!" He protested. "I was proposing to you! Do you expect me to eat waffles as i ask my beautiful girl to be my beautiful wife." I laughed as he took a waffle from my plate of waffles. 

"Hands off." I said smacking his hand away. "Let me heat them up!" I snatched the plate away from him. 

"They taste amazing babe." He said walking off to set the table. I shook my head as he shook around dancing to the music. 

'Merlin i cant wait to marry that man.' 

This is the ring btw 

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This is the ring btw 

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