Preference (Cuddling)

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Hullo! Ima do a preference bc im bored so here is Cuddling with Draco <3 (Not edited)

>In the Slytherin common room or on top of the astronomy tower 

>He most diffidently whisperers sweet (Or spicy🥵) nothings in your ear as you fall asleep

> You wake up to him attempting to braid your hair 

> he hums softly 

>He prefers if your on top of him but he also every once and a while  lets you play with his hair 

>When hes extra cuddly he will put his head on your stomach

>He talks about his day

>But sometimes he just wants to be held

>He thinks it hilarious to put his feet on you cold freaking feet may i add 

>Small kisses on your neck ad ears 

>Sometimes turns into something more cheeky bastered 

>he likes when you tell him storys 

>when he thinks your talking to much he'll kiss you to shut you up 

> over all really adorable 

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