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House: Any ( Y/h/h = your Hogwarts house) 

Blood: Any 

Year: Any 

Dracos POV 

Draco walked into the library groaning to Blasie. 

"Why do we even bother coming here?" He asked. Blasie rolled his eyes taking a seat on one of the plush couches. Not replying Draco groaned again and plopped down into a seat. 

After getting shushed multiple times by Madam Pince Draco finally shut up. He sat quietly attempting to get an essay done next to Blasie. They heard the door open and looked up. 

"Oh shit." Blasie whispered. Y/n had just walked through the door her books stacked up in her hands. Draco watched as she talked politely to the librarian. The h/c haired girl then turned to find the two Slytherins looking at her. She smiled at them before walking off further into the library. Draco's cheeks went pink and Blasie nudged him. 

"Your whipped mate." He said teasingly. Draco shoved him off and continued on him essay his head full of thoughts of the girl. 

After around an hour the dark skinned Slytherin once again hit the blonde on the arm to grab his attention. "Look mate." He whispered pointing over to the girl who had stood up to get something from a shelf close to the two. 

Draco looked up his eyes drawing away from the parchment below him.

 Watching as she smiled excited at finding a book. Her stack slowly growing as she found more. She watched as she reached for one just out of her reach. He stood going over to the tall shelf she was at. 

Reaching up Draco grabbed the book handing it to the girl below him. She turned to face a broad chest, blushing she looked up to find Draco holding the book she was reaching for. 

"Oh Draco! Did you want that book?" She asked kindly. He blushed at her kindness holding out the book to her. 

"No, i saw you struggling at reaching it. I wanted to help." Y/n smiled at him taking the book gratefully. He blushed at her smile pink tinging his pale cheeks. Draco realized something, a plan. 

"Actually, do you mind if i borrow it for a second? I want to write down the title to read it later." He asked. Her eyes widened. 

'THE Draco Malfoy wants to read a mystery novel?' She wondered mentally. 

"Of course, take your time." She said. He smiled at her a walked away to his table. 

Blasie was him and raised an eyebrow. 

"Why do you have a mystery novel?" He asked. Draco smirked. 

"I have a plan." He said getting a piece of parchment and a quill. 

"A plan?" Blasie questioned. "What kind of plan?" He leaned over to see what Draco was writing. 

"Ohhh that is a good plan." Draco finished writing and stuck the paper in the book. He winked at Blasie and went off to the the Y/h/h girl. 

He found her standing at the door gazing at a book in her hands. 

"Here you go!" He said handing her the book. 

"Oh! Thank you!" Y/n said. "Man i cant wait to read this." She mumbled. Draco smiled at her innocence. 

"Well see you later." He said. He began to turn before turning back to the girl. Reaching his hand out he grabbed her chin and turned her head up. She looked surprised as she looked into his gray eyes.  Draco leaned forward his lips going towards her. Gently kissing her cheek she gasped. Pulling away he smirked at her before walking away over towards Blasie who was laughing quietly. 

Y/n walked away shocked and confused by the kiss. Later that night she opened her book to find a note. 


Would you like to come to Hogsmead this weekend?

-Draco Malfoy 

She smiled at the note before calling for her owl and sending her own note back. 

Draco looked at the window to find a gray owl standing with a letter for him. 

'Whose owl is this?' He thought. 

He noticed a certain girls writing on the front of the note. 

Y/n. He sat down a bit scared of getting rejected. 


I would love to go to Hogsmead this weekend! Pick me up at 9? 

- Y/n 

He smiled happily jumping up a slightly dancing through the room for paper to write back. 

He smiled clutching the letter to his chest like a little school girl. 

'I have a date with THE Y/n L/n!' He grinned 

Y/n from across the castle was thinking ht e exactly same thing.

A/n Part 2? About the date? 

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