Preference 2 (Your on your period)

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While im working on the 2 different versions of the night after the ball i decided to write this preference 


- Hes lokey scared at first 

-" Your bleeding how much?!" 

- Writes his mum frantically asking what to do 

- "Mum said she likes chocolate while shes on hers" 

- Brings you a full 4 course meal 

- This sweet baby is your slave for the week


- "Y/n are you comfortable? Do you need anything?" 

- He knows you like pressure on your abdomen so he usually puts his head there 

- All while holding you tightly 

- Walks you to class then run across the castle to get to his 

- Then ends up running back to your class after class to walk you to you next one

- Comforts your when you have mood swings 

- "Y/n Darling i know ron said you hair would look better red but i like it h/c" 

-" No im not telling you what to do!" 

- Also kinda scared of your mood swings 

- Holds you when the pain is unbearable 

- "Its ok baby, ive got you." 

- ❤️why is he so precious?

Summary? We all need a Draco Malfoy when on our periods 

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