preference 4 (Christmas morning)

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Hullo!! 1 week till Christmas so i decided to do something christmasy 

My next few chapters will be holiday themed 

Hope you enjoy! 

^Your the first one to wake up (Obviously he so lazy) 

^Your at the manor with his mum and your family 

^He wakes up when you start yelling a cheering 

^ "y/n shut the fuck up." 

^"No Draco its Christmas get your lazy arse up."  

^"How about we stay in bed and i get a Christmas morning present." 

^ You just strait up leave him in bed 

^When he FINALLY come downstairs you all make tea and sit around with some savory treat going through your stockings 

^ Narsissa goes first handing her presents to everyone 

^Then your mum 

^Then your dad

^and everyone else 

^Draco is last and at this point its around noon

^You had some Christmas music playing when he pulled you up to dance 

^Narsissa was filming the whole thing 

^D: "Happy Christmas my love." 

^Y/n: "Happy Christmas Dray."

^D: "I have something important to do." 

^Everyone goes silent 'sept for Narsissa squealing a bit 

^He gets down on one knee and dose a big speech about Hogwarts and growing up

^Finally he pulls out a beautiful ring 

^Finally he pulls out a beautiful ring 

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^You are full on crying as he says

^"Y/n my love will you marry me?" 

^Of course you say yes as everyone cheers 

^Later on your friends come round for dinner 

^Everyone is happy and talking 

^Later that night Draco gets his big present 😉

^D:"I love you future Mrs. Malfoy 

A/n Opp that was cute ish 

Tomorrow i will write a more detailed version 

I've actually got Bathtime Part 2 in my drafts but its a smut so i dont know if i should publish it or not

Tell me what you think 



Hope you enjoyed reading <3 


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