Library PART 2

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Some one requested this on Tumblr so i am writing it on here as well

Just a short little one!

First thing im posting in 2021! 

Happy (Late) New Year! <3 

House: Any 

Blood: Any 

Year: Any 

Warnings: Just some fluffiness

I paced around my dorm anxiously talking to my dorm mate. 

"Honestly Mila! What in Merlin's beard do i wear to a date with Draco Malfoy?!" I exclaimed. She rolled her eye sighing as i glared at her. 

"If THE Draco Malfoy asked you on a date you should probably just be yourself. Dont going wearing any fancy shit." She said going to my drawers. Pulling out a pair of nice jeans and sweater she threw it at me. 

"Here, this is what you wear on a normal day so he'll like it." Hugged her and went to the bathroom to get dressed. Coming out she flashed my a thumbs up and got up to help with my makeup and hair. 

I thanked her again before running out the door with a small purse and my coat. Reaching the courtyard all the other students were together waiting to be released. I stood looking around, worried when i didn't see Draco. 

'Did  he stand me up?' I wondered. 

I felt someone come up behind me taking my hand gently. Turning I found the blonde standing next to me. He smiled down at me before dragging me away down the path. 

"Good morning y/n. Are you excited?" He asked. I nodded blushing. He chuckled gripping my hand a bit tighter. 

"Im going to be honest," I spoke up. "I didn't think you'd come when i didn't see you." Smiling warily. 

"Yes, its seem that way with my reputation. With others probably but with you? Id never." He turned to face me staring at me, i blushed from the intensity of his stare and his words. We shook out of it and continued our walk in an awkward silence. 

"Its cold lets go get butter beers." He suggested. I nodded as we headed in the direction of the pub. 

We ordered toe butter beers and sipped at the drink before going into a conversation. I talked animatedly about the book i had been reading while he listened with a smile on his face. 

"Im going to be honest, i didn't actually want to read that book. I just wanted to ask you on a date." He smiled sheepishly rubbing his neck. 

I snorted, "I know that. You think i thought you wanted to read a muggle book?" Laughing harder when he stuck his fingers in my side tickling me. We drew some attention but we didn't notice. Finally finishing out drinks we walked down the streets. 

"Want some sweets?" Draco asked nudging me towards Honeydukes. We walked into the sweet smelling shop. My mouth watered at the sight of all the chocolates. Chuckling Draco and I walked around the store picking up the occasional item. 

I of course got way to many then i probably should have. Going up to the counter we placed out items, pulling out my wallet i sorted through my money to pay. Draco quickly handed the cashier some galleons. I glared at him. 

"I was going to pay, you already got the drinks!" I said trying to give the person some of my money. 

"Im paying ma'am." he said to the woman who smiled at him. 

"If you dont mind me saying," She said putting everything in a bag. "You two make a cute couple." I giggled thanking her and taking the bag as Draco turned red. 

Making out way out the store and towards the school Draco once again took my hand. We slowly walked back to school while eating sweets and talking. When we got close to the door we both went quiet remembering we had to part ways. 

Draco turned to me. "I really liked today and id really like to take you on another date." He said shyly. 

"And id really like for you to take me on another date." I giggled. He perked up blushing. 

"Already persuaded by my charm?" He asked wriggling his eyebrows. I laughed hitting him lightly. 

He suddenly grabbed my waist pulling me in. 

Our noses touching he whispered. 

"how about this charm?" He eyes flashing down to my lips. "May i kiss you?" He asked. 

I nodded as he got closer his lips pushing against mine softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer, his lips fitting perfectly with mine. 

He pulled away much to my dismay. 

"So," He whispered breathlessly. "Ill see you tomorrow?" I nodded again as i collected myself and began to walk away. 

I turned one last time to see him pump his fist grinning. I laughed at his boyishness making my way back to my dorm. 

Thank god for the library.

I really liked this little series. 

Anyways hope you liked reading! <3 

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