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Heres a short fluff

House: Slytherin

Blood: You decide 

Year: Lets say they are 15-16 in this one 

Warnings: FLUFFY 

I sat in the stands cheering my boyfrind on as he flew across the pitch. I has one of his emerald green jumpers but i still sat shivering. Lee Jordan made some comments as the game finished up Slytherin catching the snitch. I jumped to my feet cheering loudly. I ran out of the stands and towards Draco who was being congratulated by his teammates. "Draco!" I yelled. He turned towards me and came bounding forwards to catch me in his arms. Peppering my face in kissed i giggled. "Im so proud of you." I said smiling. He sighed happily pressing his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. I pulled away laughing. "Alright now go take a shower, i dont want to kiss you smelly boy." He pouted. "But i won, dont i get a prize." I put on a serious face. "Not when you stink." He put his face into my neck kissing lightly. "Will you help me? Im so tired." I sighed. "Finnnne." He grinned lifting his face to meet my eyes. I shook myself out of his arms and took his hand. "Come on im cold and wanna bath." I grumbled pulling him to the castle. He waved to the team before running to catch up with me. 

"Will you carry me baby?" He asked sweetly.



We got to his dorm room finally after dodging hundreds of drunk slytherins celebrating. I went to turn on the bath as he striped himself of his cloths. "Come on darling." I yelled to him from the bathroom. He came in in his boxers but frowned once he saw i was still fully dressed. "Are you not going to get in with me?" He asked. I thought for a second before realizing how cold i was. He got into the bath after taking off his underwear. Holding his arms out for me i got in a sat in the warm water my back to his chest and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I leaned my head back to look up at him. He smiled down at me kissing my forehead and then my nose. As i tilted my head but up he buried his face into my hair. "Thank you for coming out to watch me today." He whispered breaking the silence. I turn to face him straddling him i rested my forehead against his. "Of course." He pressed his lips to mine gently as though i would disappear at any moment. I gently and reluctantly pulled away but he chased my lips to get a few more short pecks. Sighing happily i rested my arms around is neck and looking into his grey eyes. He went for another kiss. "I love you." I sighed smiling at him. "I," He kissed me. "Love *kiss* You *kiss* Too *kiss*." He peppered my face in quick kisses before clinging on to me and standing up. "Come on love, the waters cold." We got out of the tub and he wrapped me in a big soft towel. I hugged the towel to my body and went in search of some cloths. Taking  a pair of underwear, I took one of Dracos jumpers and a pair of his sweatpants. Draco stood at the bathroom mirror brushing his hair as i came up and warped my arms around his waist burring my head into his back. He hummed and turned to face me warping his arms over my shoulders. He tapped my thighs signaling for me to jump. I did as i said and wrapped my legs around his waist as he carrying us to the bed. He plopped down and set me beside him, i scooted closer to rest my head on his chest. He sighed as he ran a hand through my hair. 

"I hope you know what you do to me Y/n." I smirked know exactly what he was talking about. "And what would take be?" I asked innocently. He quickly pulled me up so my legs were on either side of his waist. "Really?" He asked getting close to my face. I pouted at him. "Really what?" He brought his mouth close to my ear nipping it gently. 

"You are going to get it princess." He growled. 

A/n Well that took a turn i honestly didnt expect but went with.🤷 

Anyways i can make a part two (Probably will) 

It would have smut 

Hope you enjoyed reading! <3

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