Tale as old as time

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I felt like writing something sad so here you are 

Part 2 of The night after the ball will come soon

House: Any 

Blood: Potter blood (Harrys Twin)

Year: 7th (During the final battle and after)

Warnings: Angst (Get your tissues now folks) Cursing 

Bold is flash backs 

Spells were flying, flashes of green and red all around me. "Progeto!" I yelled defending myself. I ran through the broken corridors defending myself and looking for him. Draco Malfoy love of my life. I ran in a tall figure, "Ron?" I gasped. "Y/n! Oh thank Merlin!" I looked around, "Where's Harry?" I asked frantically. Ron put a hand on my shoulder. "Calm down he's alright." I nodded. "Okay i've got to go meet up later!" I yelled running away down the hall again. 


I was passing the room of requirement when I heard a rumbling. 'The hell?' The doors bust open and flying out came Ron, Harry, Hermoine, Blasie Zabini, and Draco. They landed with a thud Draco being the first to jump to his feet Harry following. "I just saved your life! Say thank you, you twat!" My twin yelled. Dracp glared. "Why did you do it then huh?" He spat. "For my sister you arse! I know she loves you more than anything, i can't possibly imagine how but i know she does. I'd do anything for her!" Draco shut his mouth tear welling up in his eyes. I came up to Harry throwing my arms around him. "Thank you, I'd do anything for you as well." I whispered. "Of course," He muttered back, wrapping his arms around my torso. "Love you sis, now go hug that blonde feret." I pulled away smiling. I turned to Draco. He opened his arms knowing what i wanted. I leapt into his arms starting to cry. "It's ok Princess, I'm here now." He buried his face into my neck, hot tears escaping his own eyes. "Don't leave me ever again." I sobbed. He lifted his eyes to meet my E/c ones. "Never, I love you." "I love you too." He brought his face closer to mine and kissed me quickly and gently. Pulled away he smiled. "Now, lets go. We have a war to win." He took his hand in mine and we ran casting spells along the way.


"Harry Potter is dead!" The noseless son of a bitch yelled to the crowd. My breath caught in my throat a scream escaping my lips. I collapsed to the ground. I started sobbing with no stop as I sat on the ground. Draco sat next to me and rubbed my back attempting to soothe me. "Draco!" His mother and father hissed becoming for him to join them. I had missed the speech, Voldemort was now threatening people to join his side. I looked up at the boy in topic, tears clouding my vision. He looked down at me before slipping his ring on my finger. "No." My head snapped up from the ground shocked. Volebitch looked stunned as did the other death eaters. "Draco, forget the silly Potter; she is to die anyways. Join me." He said with more force in his voice. "No." Draco said again glaring as hard as he could. Voldemort's arm went back, "ADAVA KERDAVA!"

A flash of green Draco hit the floor, everything around me disappeared. I barely even noticed Harry falling out of Hagrid's arms. "NO!" I screamed, dropping to Draco's side. "NO NO NO NO NO!" I sobbed over him. "Draco? Baby? You can't leave, we have so much to do." I weep as he smiled weakly, cupping my cheek. "Don't cry darling." He told me. "Y/n, remember our song?" I nodded. "Places sing it, one last time love." I nodded wanting to fulfill his last wish.

Tale as old as time

We sat in the room of requirement watching a muggle movie on the television. I looked up at Draco whose arms I was in, he was looking at the screen, a smile on his face very intrigued. I smiled up at my boyfriend of 1 year. Snuggling closer into his side and putting my attention back on the telly. Mrs. Potts had just begun to sing. "You know who she reminds me of?" I asked Draco. He chuckled. "Who?" I looked up at him again, "Mrs.Weasley." He chuckled again and continued to watch the movie. I started to sing along. 

True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Draco grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet placing my hand on my waist and interlacing our others. I continued to sing. 

Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared

He swung me around the room humming along to my singing. 

Beauty and the beast

He smiled softly at me  pulling me in for a kiss. Pulling back he continued to waltz me around the room. 

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise

We danced around the room. Once i had finished the song i gazed once again into his beautiful gray eyes. "I love you." I whispered for the first time. 

Beauty and the beast

"I love you too." 

Only this time he didn't respond

{ 20  years later} 

I walked into the living room of the Burogh where Rose, Albus and Scorpios were sitting watching a muggle movie. I had been two weeks pregnant when Draco died, he had always wanted Scorpius to be the name of his first boy so here he was. My baby boy Scorpius Draco Malfoy. I was Y/n M/n Malfoy, i had changed to to Dracos last name when he died. I glanced at the telly before doing a double take. Beauty and the Beast was playing, I teared up when i heard the song, our song. I sat on the couch next to Sorp tears still in my eyes i pulled him into my lap. "Mummyyyy." He whined before noticing the tears now leaking now my face. He knew me and Draco had a special song but he had never found out what song it was until now. He warped his tiny arms around the neck hugging me as i silently sobbed, himself shedding a few tears for the amazing father he never got to meet.My brother and best friends standing in the door frame watching my son and i cry over the most amazing man i had ever met in my life. I started to hum quietly. 

Tale as old as time

A/n Holy shit im like currently sobbing that was sad to write😭. Damn um well, you can still vote on which ending you want for The night after the ball. If nobody ends up voting i will just do both and have like and ending one chap, ending two chap type thing ya know?

I hope this was an okay chapter i tried really hard with the lyrics but it wasnt the best, (Also lets pretend all the ages gaps work out ok.) 

Thanks for reading! <3

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