Hide and seek

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Heres a small one while im finishing others 

House: Any 


Year: Any 

Warnings: Fluffy Draco <3

I was laying in my bed in the guest bedroom at Malfoy manor lazily staring up at the ceiling thinking. I sighed bored and turned over on to my stomach. Stretching out i was about to drift off when i heard a knock on my door. In walked Draco with a giant grin on his face. He sat down next to where i was laying and poked my tummy. "I'm bored," He whined. "lets go do something fun!" He thought for a second. "Let's play hide and seek!" I faked a gasp, "Draco Malfoy? Play? Fun? By god it's a miracle!" I exclaimed. He shoved me. "Yeah whatever, go hide!" Eyes shining he pushed me off the bed and started to count. I ran down the halls trying to find a hiding place, I finally found a small closet. Getting in I shut the door and made my way to the very back of the closet hiding in the coats then hung from the top. "READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" I heard Draco yell. I listened to him run around the house moving and opening things. I giggled silently to myself. "Y/nnnnnnn." He was getting closer. His footsteps grew closer and closer. I could hear him opening doors and moving drapes. "Where are you sweetheart?" I held my breath as his footsteps came to my door. The handle slowly turned. Bright light hit my eyes as I screeched and he yelled, "I found you!" I ran towards him and ducked under his legs taking off down the hallway. I ran fast but he had longer legs. 'Shit shit shit where to go?!' AHA! I ran towards the garden doors, Throwing them open I ran out into the garden. "Y/nnnnn!" I heard Draco behind me. I giggled as his footsteps caught up to find. Hands encircled my waist as he picked me up and spun me around. I squealed like a child and clung to his arms. I turned to face him. His nose brushing my me gave me a peck on the lips. 

"Found you Darling." 

A/n A few things #1 Holy wow thank you for 26 reads! #2 How are these chapters? Im trying to publish every few days or as i  finish ones in my drafts. Hope your enjoying reading! <3 

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