Potions Mishap

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Based on a prompt credit to the site 

House: Slytherin

Blood: Half 

Year: 5th  (Pretend Voldy moldy didn't exist)

Warnings: Bulling i suppose  

Your POV

I was always bullied, i never really knew why there were plenty of other half bloods in Slytherin. Well I am friends with the Weasleys and in their eyes they are blood traitors. I don't really see it, but Ginny is probably my very best friend. She didn't like me very much at first but in second year when she was in first, Draco Twathead Malfoy was being me to her, long story short i hit him. Merlin dont get me started on freaking Draco Malfoy, with that blonde hair, and the perfect face, and those stupid abnormally beautiful gray eyes. Damn it yes i have a crush on him, but Ginny would kill me if she found you so we don't talk about that. Anyways so one day as usual I'm on my way to potions with Ginny and Hermione, Ginny parts ways and Hermione and I continue on. She rambles on about something but one thing picks my interest.

"- He told me were making amornitia today!" She exclaims excited.

"What's that?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes at my unknowingness for potions.

"The strongest love potion in the world!" She exclaimed. She begins to ramble on and I zone out until something catches me. "... Y/n! Are you listening? I said you can smell what you're attracted to." She giggles and then nudges me, "What if someone smells you from their potion?" (A/n Dafuq did i just write?)

I roll my eyes, "Doubt that 'Mione." I tell her. She sighs. Opening her mouth to say something she freezes, I notice and follow her line of sight to see what caught her attention 

Draco Malfoy. Staring right at us, our eyes meet and he quickly glaces away looking back at his friends who are leaning against the dungeon walls. I look over Hermione quizzically who looks shocked. I tap her shoulder, "Hermione? You good there?" She shakes out of her daze and looks over at me. 
"Yes, I- Did you see the way he was staring at you?" She asks still bewildered. I shake my head shrugging. She sighs at my action. "Oh well let go before Snape finds a reason to give us detention."  We walk into the dark classroom and take our seats. 

Snape storms into the classroom dramatically. "Turn to page 394." He said in a monotone voice turning to face up. ( A/n I love that line) 

We all opened our books to the page. Amornitia was in big letters at the top of the page along with how to make to potion and side affects. "This is what we will be brewing today, I have assigned partners." I looked over at Hermione sadly. She frowned as well. 

Snape began listing off groups, "Granger and Parkinson, Crabbe and Weasley, Y/L/N and Malfoy." My heart dropped. I looked over at Hermione with wide eyes who was looking back just as shocked. I then glanced over at Malfoy who was starting at me intently. I raised an eyebrow before he once again quickly turned back to his book in front of him. I stood collecting my stuff and walked over to him. Sighing I put my bag and book on the desk. 

"Well Y/L/N lets get this over with." I rolled my eyes and sat down preparing the cauldron. I( looked at him where he hadn't moved from his spot. "Malfoy? Go get the ingredients." I said in a snarky tone. He sneered at me and stalked off. Once he had come back we began the potion. 

"Draky!" A voice whined. I imminently frowned. Pansy Pugface Parkinson. I looked over at Hermione who was doing to potion all by herself looking pissed. I looked back over to Malfoy who had a grimace on his face. "What Parkinson?" He sighed annoyed. "You dont like working with the Mudblood! Do you?" Draco sighed from his nose and ignored her. He pushed the lattle over to me. "Stir five times please." I nodded and began stiring while counting slowly. Pansy strutted over knocking into me, i didn't happen to see that she had dropped something into my potion. She snorted like the pig she is. "Ugh watch where you put your fat ass Mudblood." Draco stood angrily as i sat there fuming. "Pansy just piss off." He told her. Pansy pouted and walked away. Draco sat back down. 'Wait sense when have i called him Draco?'

"Thank you." I said quietly meeting his eyes. He gave me a smiled which shocked me. "No problem she was getting annoying anyways." I blushed and turned back to the cauldron. I got down to once turn left before it started bubbling oddly. I frowned and turned to my book. 


The potion exploded right up in my face. I tried to wipe my eyes as the class started to laugh. Pansy laughing to loudest. I quickly stood running out of the class room tears in my eyes. I raced down the corridor desperately trying to find somewhere safe. I leaned against a wall collapsing to the floor in tears. I didn't hear footsteps over my sobbing. Strong arms wrapped around me soothing me. Without thinking i leaned into them. 

"Hey, its ok calm down." A hand came to my face wiping away to soot. I looked up to be met with a pair of grey eyes. "D-Draco?" I stuttered. I stiffened scared he would hurt me i closed my eyes. "Hey Y/n darling please open you eyes." He asked softly. I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. His face softened. "Im sorry about what she did. I didn't know that what she had put in your cauldron." He frowned. I placed a hand on his check. "Why are you comforting me Draco? I thought you hated me?" He sighed leaning into my touch. "Theres no good reason for my actions except if you count me falling for you." My eyes went wide and he met my eyes nervously. His had went to cover up the one on his check. "Y/n? Please say something." I gulped before throwing my arms around him. "Its ok Draco. Im in love with you too." He sighed happily before melting into my arms. He pulled back gray eyes meeting E/c. "That means i can finally do this." He whispered inching closer to my face. He stared lovingly at me before crashing his lips onto mine. 

yay! Another one done! 

This took a turn from where i originally planed for it to go but oh well. 

Thanks for reading! <3 

1119 words 

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