Christmas Morning Cuddles

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Oh my Merlin i haven't updated in a while things have been nuts! 

Ill spare you the details 

i will put up like three chapters tomorrow and two today 

gotta find some Christmas prompts 😓

Dont forget my requests are open! You can request anything really. 

Ill do a few gender neutral Christmas ones for my they readers

Love you all Xx 

House: Any 

Year: After the war

Blood: Any 

Warnings: Just some pure ass fluff, some suggestive scenes but nothing much 

I opened my eyes when i felt light kisses being pressed to my face. The cold lips moved from my check to my forehead and back down. I opened my eyes completely to find the platinum blonde starting at with lovingly. "Good morning love." He whispered. I sighed happily as he continued to stroke my face gently.  He wrapped an arm under me and pulled me closer to him. He buried his face in my neck as i wrapped my arms around his torso. 

"Its Christmas Draco!" I said excitedly. He shushed me snuggling his face in deeper. "Its Christmas Draco!" I whispered. He pulled his face away from my neck. Resting his forehead against mine he looked into my e/c eyes. 

"I know love." He said smiling at my look of excitement. He gave me a light kiss on the lips. "I dont wanna get up though." He whined. "Cant i just stay in bed all day with my beautiful girlfriend?" He asked pouting. I pretended to think. 

"Mhhh, no." He groaned once again place his face in the crook of my neck placing light kisses. 

"It can be my Christmas present baby." He smirked as be bit down lightly on my neck eliciting a small whimper from me. "You dont want to stay in bed with me?" He asked licking where he bit gently. I shoved him away turning red and stood from the bed. 

"No, we have to go open presents, we have dinner with your parents tonight." I bent over to put on some slippers to protect my feet from to cold floor.  I heard Draco snicker from behind me but chose to ignore it. I gasped when his arms were warped quickly around my waist and his cheek was pressed into my bum.  

"Im much more comfortable like this though." He said smirking. My face went as red as Weasleys hair as i tried to unlatch his arms. 

"Draco." I said warning. 

"Y/n/n." He mocked back. I pushed my hips back making his grip lessen before ripping my self out of his arms and taking off towards the door. 

"Ill make tea!" I yelled as i ran down the stairs. I was half way down the stairs when i herd him groan frustrated. Giggling i went to the kitchen. I chuckled to myself i as popped some toast in the toaster and started boiling water with my magic. I was making the tea while chewing on a piece of toast that was handing out of my mouth, a pair of strong arms wrapping around me and i smiled. 

"Your annoying." Draco sighed. I giggled shoving the toast in his mouth.

"You love me." I grabbed the tea and went to sit on the couch. Draco sat me in his lap as i sipped on my tea turning on some music. 

"Well love, lets get started on the presents." Draco said giving me one last kiss before i dived to pick up one. 

Awww cuuute 

Anyways i know there was an A/N at the beginning 

(If you didn't read that please do.) 

Butt i just wanted to say go read the thing that i posted in my conversations 

Merry Christmas!!! 

Happy New Year! 

And everything else you may celebrate! 

Hope you enjoyed reading! Xx <3 

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