The night after the ball

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There will be two parts!

House: Snake house

Year: After they defeated Voldemort 

Blood: You choose

Warnings: Gets a lil smuty and a lot angsty. Cursing.

Voldemort was defeated everything was ok. Draco my boyfriend and I were together and back in school. During the battle i held him back from going to join the death eaters, people had soon come to accept that he was better. Headmaster Mcgonagall had decided to host a ball in memory of our loved ones. Everyone was going to wear black for the family's that were mourning. I myself was best friends with the Weasley twins, I knew how hurt Gorge was. Hopefully having some fun will take his mind off things. I looked in the mirror at my dress and hair. Damnnnn I look pretty good! 

(Thats the dress you can imagine something else though)

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(Thats the dress you can imagine something else though)

I finished doing my hair and walked down the stairs to the Slytherin common room. Draco was standing at the door talking to Blasie. His friend cleared his throat and nodded in my direction. Draco's mouth dropped to the floor, eyes sweeping my body as I walked closer. He himself had a nice fitting black suit on. Draco coughed, "Y/n, you look absolutely ravishing." He said with a smirk. I smirked back "As do you." I told him. He took my arm and lead me down to the great hall. We got in line slowly walking closer, pictures lined the halls. i found a picture of me Fred and Gorge, we had just pulled a prank on Flich and were laughing as we ran away. I smiled sadly remembering all the good times I had with him. I felt Draco squeeze my arm gently as we walked away from the photo, a few tears leaking out of my eyes. We reached the ballroom and I immediately spotted the Weasley bunch. "I'll be right back." I whispered to Draco. He followed my line of sight and saw who I was looking at, he nodded solemnly and let go of my arm. I trudged towards them, Molly spoting me instantly. She ran over and engulfed me in a hug the others following. "You look beautiful dear." She whispered. She pulled away from the hug and stroked my head crying a little. "I just want you to know, Fred loved you like a sister. You will always be welcomed in our household." I sniffled and smiled at her. "Thank you Molly." I pulled her in for another hug opening my arms for the rest to join us. When we pulled apart Ron and Ginny nodded at me with sad smiles going off to comfort their mum who was being pushed gently into a seat by the Arthur leaving me with Gorge. I turned to him. "How are you feeling?" I asked taking his hand. He sighed placing his hand over mine. "Not great, but i know Fred wouldn't want me to mope so i'm trying to get a bit better." I nodded and looked up at him. "That's good and you're right, Fred was the happiest person i know, he would want us to smile." I pulled George into a hug. He squeezed me tight before pulling away. "Go to Draco," He told me. "Go have fun." I smiled. "You have fun to." I replied kissing his cheek before making my way over to Draco. Once I reached him he took me into his arms. "How are they?" He asked. "Recovering." I told him watching as the dance started. Draco turned me to face him. "Come on let's go dance." He said as he dragged me out to the floor. 

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