Chapter 4

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GUESS WHOS BACK, hope everyone is as excited as i am with this story, im so so so sorry i didnt write, i was so busy with everything i hardly got enough time for myself, now that schools are over, im gonna stay up all night every night to write and think, i had so much time to think how it'll go but i never got the chance to do it, this ones probably gonna be a long one because i havent written here and a long time, honestly thank you all for this huge amount support and the beautiful comments! <3<3<3<3


I invited everyone over to the Hale house to spend some time and eat. My mom was making tacos tonight, I personally asked her to because i knew all of the pack members liked them, especially Stiles, and my mom was a great cook. I texted the group chat we all were to tell them to be at my house at 10pm


Everyone, at my house at 10, food and movie, be there. :Derek

Talia: Easy there with the orders Derbear... I'm the Alpha you know.

Stiles: HAHA Derbear? Oh I guess I'm calling you that now...

Stiles? :Derek

Stiles: ?

Shut up. :Derek

Stiles: Chile... Anyways so, I'm in, so is Alli.


Everyone agreed and me and my mom went back to the preparations for the dinner.


Derek just invited us all to his house, relax Stiles, everything is gonna be fine... "STILES!" I hear Allison yell as she was running up the stairs, barging in my room

"Why are you yelling again..." I asked her letting out a tired sigh

"You're kidding. Right? You got to be. Why am I yelling?" she literally screamed and i gave her a whats-going-on look raising my eyebrow "Bro you really are clueless aren't you... This is your chance for growing close with Derek!" she said with a big, wide smile on her face

"Uhm you mean like the other times?" i said raising an eyebrow

"Stiles come on, you have to at least try..." she said crossing her arms

"Fine fine..." I said rolling my eyes

"That's the spirit!" she said raising her hand up and forming a fist, jumping cheerfully, god how can she be so happy... Anyways it was 5pm so we had a lot of time to prepare, Alli wanted us to choose what to wear NOW, like it's 5pm you need to chill, we already need to train at 7, then we need to shower and get ready so... I can't really blame her... I picked my iconic red hoodie with a dark blue jean and black shoes. I placed them carefully on my bed because I just ironed them. We carried on to her closet, the huge, full of clothes hell that you could get lost in... It was organised but too many clothes... Like sheesh... When did you even buy all those... "What about this one?" she said showing me an oversized shirt that had black at the bottom, blue in the middle and white on the top, changing the shade from black to white

"I approve, looks aesthetic and very comfy, I recommend going with the shorts you got with them, its the same color and I think it goes perfectly." I said

"You mean this one?" she said showing me the shorts

"Exactly. You're gonna look gorgeous. Also don't wear any make-up, you don't have to, we're going to the Hale House so there isn't any need."

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