Chapter 12

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Derek Pov

I wake up to the sound of light snoring in my ears. I don't remember a lot, everything seems like a distant dream. I was smelling Stiles all over me and in the room, I was at his house, wounded and- Oh... I remember what happened now, I thought to myself shocked. He did a ritual to heal my wounds and I- oh my god... I hooked up with him... And I was totally conscious of my actions, it wasn't a side effect ritual, or was it? I don't know anymore this guy has me so confused. Flashes of last nights moments started popping inside of my head, it was nice, so nice... But I am with Paige... She's my girlfriend and I cheated on her! I notice Stiles was asleep on me so I gently moved him next to me and got up. I put my clothes on and left. I left a note to his desk

"Last night was a very big mistake... Forgive me for leaving and for being so careless but I am with Paige and she's my girlfriend, that doesn't change and it also doesn't change that I am a cheater. I am terribly sorry for putting you into this and for my lack of self control. I don't want to talk about this ever again and I don't want you to mention it.


And with that I left Stiles' house, confused and guilty of my actions...

Stiles Pov

As I was waking up I started realizing that Derek wasn't in bed with me. I got up and noticed he was gone... All that was left of him was a note he left for me to find on my desk. I started reading it and my heart dropped by the time I was finished. Anne was right. He is self centered and the necklace revealed his true colors... He couldn't stand the guilt of doing something he wanted so he ran away, not caring about how it made me feel. So what is he gonna do now? Live like this never happened and not tell Paige about it? My thoughts were interrupted by a text from the packs groupchat


Talia: is everyone alright?

  Me, Scott and Derek :Stiles
the Gashadokuro but we're safe, Derek left.

Lydia: All safe here.

I think we're done with it. :Stiles

At the moment I'm just glad everyone is alright.

*weeks later*

Weeks have passed by, not a word from Derek... He avoids me and acts as I don't exist in pack meetings or school and it's just hurts to see that, he acts like nothing happened. I haven't spoken to Anne since that time and I think that it maybe be time to. Being away from Derek may do me good, especially now that all this happened... I was heartbroken by Derek's actions... Right when I thought I had gotten what I wanted, it was snatched away in a moment... And with no hesitation... So yes I am angry, I am disappointed, I am sad and I have every right to be because this is unfair.

I haven't told Allison about what happened but she is suspicious over me not feeling well since day one, we fixed the house and everything is fine there. No questions were asked in general. But I just want to disappear right now... I don't wanna talk to anyone. I don't feel like I fit in here, I am a fox amongst wolves...

The night crept up when I wasn’t watching and along with it the silence that accompanied it. First the sun ducked down behind the buildings and my window, refracting golden hour through the alleys and illuminating this wall as my mind was running with no sense of time... I got up and went out in the woods, where I could be alone and think clearly. I picked up my jacket and went out for a walk in an attempt of emptying my mind.

The refreshing breeze of the chilly night caressing my skin as the lake reflected on the beautiful moon in the midnight sky, filled with stars. Sounds of nature such as crickets, water that was on the plants falling and hitting the ground making a tranquil sound that relaxed my body every time I heard it etc. I started smoking some time ago, who cares, I'm a werefox, it's not like it will hurt me either ways... I sat there watching the stary night, enjoying the oh so loving sounds of nature that emptied my mind. That was indeed when I most felt alive and calm...

A crunchy sound of dried leaves breaking behind a bush bursted my bubble of peace as I got scared someone would see me there. "I didn't mean to startle you, I'm sorry Mr. Stilinski." a feminine voice said, the figure started coming closer and closer, revealing the one and only Anne "I sensed that you may have already decided what to choose and I have come to get an answer." she continues as she walks down on me "May I?" she asks, meaning if she can sit next to me

"Feel free to." I tell her while my eyes drift back to the view which I was admiring, she sat next to me and crossed her legs as she was looking around

"This place is very beautiful, do you come here often?" she asks smiling

"Is there a point in answering that? If you didn't know I did, you wouldn't have come here to find me. You somehow always know everything... " I say my voice colorless

"That is true. But I did not look into what happened with Derek and seeing you here smoking, clearly indicates that something did happen." she asked with curiosity as she stared at the lake

I explained what happened to her, she nodded and showed compassion to me, to my situation, to what I was going through. To be honest she was the only person I felt like I could speak to at that moment...

"It is no surprise to me that Derek did such thing you know. You deserve better then that Stiles, don't waste your time on him." she said turning around to face me and she was right, I deserve better

"I thought about what you said. I'm gonna come along. I'll come with you and help you. I think a brand new start would do me good." I say serious, not even turning around to face her, I dig the cigarette in the soil and get up

"I am more than happy to hear that, Mr. Stilinski. But I do warn you. The path I am in contains bloodshed, dirty work and at times great dangers. I am a Witch, I can train you and teach you Magic, all the things you need will be provided by me." she said with serious look on her face "So... Are you willing to come with me even after hearing this?" she asks

"Yes..." I say and she gives me her hand to shake to signify the start of our journey.

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