Chapter 11

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I was very very busy with my school's exam I barely got time to write but here's a new chapter for yall, thanks for being here and reading. Have fun<3


Stiles Pov

I was walking home after my extraordinary encounter with Anne, a Sorceress? How can I know she's trustful... I just met her. Questions were filling my mind as I was walking when I saw a shadowy figure in the distance. The figure began coming closer and as the dark faded away it revealed... Derek Hale... Injured from the fight that had happened hours ago. He started running up to me and quickly put his arms around me burrying his face on the right side of my neck resting his head on my shoulder as he kept tightening his grip "Der that's kinda tight." I say awkwardly, he loosened his grip a bit and lifted his head up to face me

"Oh... I'm sorry, are you hurt? Where did that thing take you? I'm so sorry we weren't able to protect you..." He said his voice shaking and filled with worry

"Der, it's alright, I'm not hurt, it doesn't matter, I'm here now." I say trying to calm him down and put the whole thing behind us. The thing with Anne... I couldn't possibly tell him what we talked about or what she showed me "You're the one hurt here so let's go home and get you cleaned up because you're barely standing, seriously... You are worried about me being hurt in this shape?" I say looking at Derek's crumbled body, a broken arm for sure, head injuries, his legs shaking and breathing heavily

"You're Stiles, our little human, we need to protect you at all costs, if I don't who will?" he said as he grabbed his arm in pain, finishing with a hissing sound

"Jeez Der, you're hurt alright? For once let ME take care of things." I say and put his arm over my shoulder

"What are you doing" he said in a serious tone, demanding an answer

"Isn't it obvious? Taking you home and taking care of you, there's no way I'm letting you do anything in this shape"

"Fine." he says rolling his eyes away and finally letting me take him, I didn't want to carry him as it would expose my super strength.

Some time later we got to my house. I opened the door to see the destroyed living room on the left... I found Scott in my dad's room sleeping, I assumed Derek put him there and carried on to the next room which was mine. I helped Derek move slowly to the bed and helped him lay down. I was trying to think of any rituals to help him rapidly heal from those severe injuries but nothing came to mind at the moment, I grabbed a book my mom had left me with all that I needed to know about werefoxes and our family's tradition, my dad never opened it because he said my mom left it for me and only, so he respected her last wish. An intense sound of coughing brought me back to reality, Derek started coughing blood next to my bed. Blood stains all over the floor and the overwhelming smell of metal filling my lungs... I rushed to his side putting my hands on his chest and back, raising him back up on the bed after he finished coughing "Thanks..." he whispered to me... Fuck. Could this man really be as evil as Anne said? I stood up again and continued reading.

I found something useful after a bit but... The requirements... He had to be naked in my bathtub. It would heal him completely but there also was one side effect, the ritual was supposed to imbue the water with healing energy and heat it up, if used on supernatural creatures it may create a moment of lust due to the heat they're experiencing which can go out of control if it's not pleased. If I don't do something fast Derek might die and I can't let that happen so it's either this or death. Derek was still hissing from the pain "I found something that will help." I said turning around to face him

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